If you are new to this serial story, you can find the Introduction here. Like any serial, each episode builds on what has gone before, so if you find yourself confusing your labor with yourContinue reading
Category: Labour History
The Story of Work 5. Work and the Early Christians 2: Time Discipline and St Benedict
This post, episode 4 of the story of work, sets out the basis for that time discipline that will become central to twentieth-century management advice. Even if we aren’t Christian, Benedict’s Rule is still fundamentalContinue reading
The Story of Work 4. Work, and the Early Christians: the New Testament and Augustine
What is work? Having sketched the Roman views of work that were most influential on subsequent philosophers, we continue the Story of Work by moving on to Christianity. We see how Roman thinking was modifiedContinue reading
The Story of Work 2. Work and the Ancient Greeks
What is ‘work’? This is the first post where I try to answer the question by looking at the long and very varied history of the concept, starting from the ancient Greeks. So working wasContinue reading
Baker and Confectioner, vol. 10, no. 239, 29 January 1897
To see the whole volume all on one zoomable page, go to the Metabotnik upload here. PDF of the issue Downloadable images of the issue (JPEGs)
Baker and Confectioner, vol. 10, no. 235, 1 January 1897
To see the whole volume all on one zoomable page, go to the Metabotnik upload here. PDF of the issue Downloadable images of the issue (JPEGs)
The Baker and Confectioner, Introductory materials, volume 10 (1897)
Usually, when published in volume form (as opposed to in individual weekly, fortnightly or monthly issues), an index of contents of the whole volume is added at the front. In the case of our volumeContinue reading
Meat Trades Journal no 468 15 April 1897
Meat Trades Journal no 468 15 April 1897
Building World No. 76
Image Files Embedded PDF BLT19: AK
The British Workwoman, No. 289
Image Files Embedded PDF Issue 289, pgs 1 – 8 BLT19: AK