Despite its title, the target audience of the British Workman includes more than just men. There are a number of articles and columns aimed at women readers as well. Women are depicted in the paper’s pages performingContinue reading
Category: British Workman
IMAGE GALLERY: British Workman Covers
British Workman Index (1855-1864)
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British Workman No. 120 (Dec 1864)
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British Workman No. 119 (Nov 1864)
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British Workman No. 118 (Oct 1864)
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British Workman No. 117 (Sept 1864)
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British Workman No. 116 (Aug 1864)
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British Workman No. 115 (Jul 1864)
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British Workman No. 114 (Jun 1864)
Image and PDF Files [dg orderby=”name” ids=”2066,2065,2064,2063,2062″] Embedded PDF Uncorrected OCR Text