The British Workwoman, No.232


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cart. You must be as smart as you can, and you’ll stone bridge, and then, after more labyrinth of

see your young ladyagain.

streets, through which Margaret guided Ned, weMiss Knighton had been away from home for came into the country again.

some months. Itwas now latein August, and as We went through lanes shaded by tall trees,

SWEET rose, thou lovely blooming flower,
soon asshereturnedto Greystone she askedherold

Whose fragrance fills the leafy bower,
and came at last to theLodge Gates of Greystone.

With pleasure,we thy beauties view,
maid and friendMargaret to come over forthe day Greystone was and is my idea of the Palace

and bring the children. Miss Mary said “theAnd love thy softly tinted hue.
children,” but Margarebsaid” shewill be surprised
Beautiful in the “Pilgrim’s Progress.” I had

An emblem shalt thou surely be
never read that book then—I know it now prettyOfmatchless grace and purity,
well by heart.

to see how yon have grown quite a man.

A fitting gift for maiden fair
As we drew nearer the house, a wide expanse of

Itwas really true that Ihad grown. As everyone
knows my shoulders are higher than they emerald turf burst upon us, and in the middle aTo prize andguard with tender care.

should be, and my back is not straight, but Iinfountain
was plajung. Then there was a fineIn beaiity shall thy bud andbloom creased in height between fourteen and eighteen, terrace, and some peacocks were strutting up andWave round the lonely, hallowed tomb, owing to good wholesome food, cleanliness, and down with their tails spread. We turned off just

Thy rich and living sweets to shed kindness, so that Iam not a dwarf.
here to the servants’ entrance, and a nice-lookingAmid the dwellings of the dead. The kind hand that is writing out my history old man came forward.
With,regal grace shalt thou adorn for me belongs to one who won’t have it I am “Ah, Margaret; good morning; gladtoseeyou,
The wreath by proudest beauty worn, the least bit of a dwarf. Ah! well, my mind grew

and your bit of a child; a pretty one and no

Or flourish in luxuriant bloom under the good influence of Adam and Margaret mistake, like her mother as two peas, or will beWithin the lowlypeasant’s room,
Lee, and the growth of the body is of little consome

But I would have this heart of mine sequence when compared to that!
This was the head gardener, Mr. Bain, who hadFor ” Sharoii’s” Eose a fitting shrine, That day at Greystone is one which stands out been a friend of Margaret’s when she lived at

Its living Essence thereto dwell in my remembrance.Greystone.

As in some hidden secret cell Whenwe look backonlife,itis likelookingback ” How is my dear young lady?” Margaret

To purify and cleansefrom sin, from the hillside over the wide expanse of valley asked. ” Is she better ? ”

To keep me spotless “fair” within, and mountain by which we have come. Some ” She’s not much to boast of,” Mr. Bain said,

And by its matchless beauty hide spots catch the light and shine ; some places look “She is shaken, and her nerves won’t recover inThe stain of nature’s guilt or pride.
dark and gloomy. This day at Greystonewas one a hurry from the fright. The only comfort is thatwhich will always catch the light as I look backIfmine, this precious fadeless rose, upon it.

rascal got his deserts, andforfourteenyearsis wellWhen frosty age around me close,
out ofthe way.”
When other flowers droop dead or low
We were off early, for Ned had been fetched by Mr. Bain looked curiously at me; he was walkThis
blooms with rich eternalglow. garden, and he now found the shed roofed in and
ing by the side of the cart as we went slowly up

Adam the evening before, justafterourtalk intheIts cheering perfume still the same
towards the stables. Margaret understood the

made as comfortable a place as a donkey could

When death dissolves the earthly frame desire.
look, and said presently :—
And sweet immortaljoy bestows
” This is my friend and man of all-work, Mr.
” Jesu Eedemptor,” Sharoii’s Eose.
Bain, he is quite like my right hand”; it was

Adam turned everything to account, and that
manner of things.
so kind of her to say this ; I was of’tener like her

tumble down shed was his useful place for all
left hand ; ” he is Cherry’s nurse amongst other

Iwas up at five, and hadlightedthe fire and put things, and a very good nurse he makes.”
on the kettle so that Margaret might have a cup

” Aye, aye,” said Mr. Bain, ” Little and good,
of tea in good time, and Cherry her bread and you know.”


I felt rather shy and lonely when Margaret

I spared my kind mistress as much as I.could, and little Cherry went up to see the vyoung lady,
for she was never a strong woman, and only her after we had eaten our breakfast, and I sat as

brave spirit kept her up as long as it did.

quiet as a mouse, in a corner of the servants’ hall.
Piersmile of thanks when she saw the breakfast It was a large household, and they came andwentEMMA MARSHALL, all ready, and me all dressed in my best suit, and talked to each other, but 110 one spoke to me.
Author of ” Dayspiiug,” “Life’s Aftermath,” &c. &c.
warms my heart now when I remember it.
Margaret came downstairs in about an hour,

Margaret Lee always had a bright smile ready,

and she looked as if she had been crying.

I wish more people were like her in this. The

” What do you think of Miss Mary? ” askeddark gloomy faces most women carry abotit with Mrs. Smith, the housekeeper, ” She looks tome as

them are enough to make anybody’s spirits low.
not long for this world.”
Why Phil,” Margaret said, ” you are gettingthehandiest little man-of-all-work, you’llbe wantMargaret
exclaimed; and then she broke down

” Oh! don’t say so, don’t say so, Mrs. Smith,”

step-father was found guilty when ing a better place soon.

into a burst of tears.
tried by the judge, and had a senWe
were off ateight. Adam was gone to work, ” Well, we all know the dear mistress had verytence of fourteen years’ penal serviand
Margaret, having put allthings inorder, gave much that look,” said another servant, ” and she the big key of the door and we started.
does grieve overthe loss of her mamma’s picture.”
Nobody was sorry among the Wejogged down thelane, andsome oftheneigh”
Itwas in thejewel-box,” Margaret said, “It’sneighbours ; as we sow, so we reap, bours came out to look. Of course I heard some amystery to me where all the things went.”
and my step-father had notgone the ” Yes, for he don’t seemto have pawned many,

compliments, such as ” There is the nurse and

right way to make friends. He knew how tomake the babby, Ideclare, going offfora day’spleasure, he had no time. Therewereaccomplices,you may

enemies, and therewas scarcely a man, woman, or well, some folks are lucky.

be sure, that we know nothing of. They havechild to say a good word for him.
” Don’t let the horse run away, my dear,” said made off beyond seas, Idare say.”
I was not to lead an idle life, and Adam began

another, while, as we turned out of Gallows Acre, When Margaret and I were walking in theas he meant to go on.
wo met Jonathan Hindtoddling up.
grounds, after our dinner, she told me that MissI kept the garden, I carried Adam his dinner, ‘He! he ! he!” he said in answer to Margaret’s Mary’sgreat trouble was losing that miniature ofwhen, lie could not come home at mid-clay. I her mamma. It was set in a locket with pearls

good morning; ” riding in a cart for a spree, eh ?”
minded the little Cherry, and helped Margaret all and diamonds, and was in ajewel-box, which dis

(l Oh, Phil,” Margaret said as we passed on, ” I

I could. But Iwas very awkward, and Adam used wish I could find the way to thatold man’s heart. appeared from her dressing-table the night of theto tellmelaughing, ” All my fingers were thumbs,” Ee is anear neighbour, his time must be short, for robbery.
and now and then, not often, he spoke sharply to i is very old, and I do want him to be friendly.” No trace of that jewel-box could be found;
me, and onceinjustanger, at ray breaking a stack ” Itis no good thinking ofthat,”‘ I said, ” He is though the police had searched everywhere. Itof flower pots bytrying to get one, the bottomone, was lost.

)rim full’of spite.”
out, instead oftaking them down one by one, he ” How is it? ” Margaret said, thoughtfully. ” I “Ialways think,” I said, “that old Jonathanstruck me, apretty heavy blow too.
im sure he is unhappy, and I do so want to tell

had something to do with my step-father’s bad,1 was so used to rough blows that I thought lim of God’s love and forgiveness of our sins for deeds, but I know nothing more than you know.
little about it, and had forgotten it, when in the I saw him throw something into the pool in the

Jhrist’s sake. I must speak to Miss May aboutevening of the day he called me to him as he was t. Now we must be careful when we get into the quarry, but it might have been rubbish.”
tying up some scarlet runners, and said, “Phil my ,owu, Phil. Perhaps I had_better take the reins, Before we left Greystone, I was sent for to seeboy, I begyour pardonforshowing out mytemper md you take Cherry.

the young lady, and every word she said is asasIdid this morning; ithas hung heavy011 me all Cherry was wide awake, and delighted to come fresh with me as if itwas yesterday.

day. Blows never do any good, and ifyou were ,o me. So I gave Margaret the reins, and tookthreetimesas awkward as you are, I had no right
ler on my knee.
to hit you.”
We left Eockton behind us, and soon got into CHAPTEE VIII.

How noble he looked as he spoke. There is
he streets of the’ large bustling town of Salt-
nothing nobler than when a strong big fellow like

jury, of which Eockton is a suburb. We hurried THE LADY AT GREYSTONE.
Adam can own himself in the wrong. He was
)ii through narrow streets, till we came to the You that have lived in happy homes, howeverindeedjust aliving example of his favourite motto,

iver—the dark, silent river—with tall warehouses humble, and have been cared for from your in”
Manners make the man.

>n either side. We crossed the river by an old
fancy, can hardlyunderstand how I felt when Iwas told I was to consider I belonged to the Lees,

suade the missus to take a holidayto-morrow, and arieties commonly sold are mixed with Starch, under the plea of and that where they lived in future Iwas to live.
you and she “and “Cherry shall spend the day at endering them soluble; while really making; them thick, heavy This is what the fair, sweet young lady told me
” And now look here, Phil, I am going to perThe
reason why so many are unable to take Cocoa is, that the

nd indigestible. This may be easily detected,;/br if Cocoa thickens that afternoon, as she lay back in• a-drair ‘by theGreystone. She is not over strong, and I have n the cup it proves the addition of Starch. Cadbury’s Cocoa Es-

iiired Ned again, and you shall drive Mm in. the
ence is genuine; it is therefore three times the strcnfrth of these window, surrounded by flowers and beautifulocoas,and a refreshing beverage like Tea or Coffee.—[ABVT.
things which I can’t describe; but I can see her

now in her white dress and blue ribbons, and the

light shining 011 her golden hair.

“”Philip,” she said, “You must come near, for

my voice is not verystrong. Philip, it is a strange

way in which you and I have been brought to

know each other. I had a feeling when I saw

you in the Court that day that you .were

friendless and wanted friends, but little did I

think that those friends would be my dear old

servant, Margaret, and her husband, Adam Lee.

They are both very fond of you, Phil, and say

you are of great use to them, but they may

be taken from you, and you ought to have

some trade. The mason’s would be too heavy

for you, and so would a carpenter’s. It must be a

trade -that you could follow without too much,

labour. How wouldyou like to be a tailor ? Those

delicate hands ofyours look as if they mightlearn

to cut and snip and use a machine. Ifyou think

you would like it, I know a man in Eockton, no

far from Gallows Acre Lane, where you could g<

daily to learn. My father has given me leave t<

pay for you, and you can still live at home witl’

Margaret, for you are to call her house home

Your aunt did not seem to wish to be responsible

for you, and, indeed, one child is as much as we

can expect her to take care of.

” Philip,” Miss Knigliton said, “Iam afraid you

have never learned much about God, and His

Love. “When your step-father stood over me,’

here she stopped, and put her hand to her heart,

” I can’t,” she said, ” ever speak of that moment

without a pain. It is very foolish. When he

stood over me with the pistol I prayed for him

that he might not hurt me, as well as for myself.

I pray for him still; and who can tell what four

teen years may do for him. He may live to come

out of prison a better man. Phil, you and Imust

never forget to pray for him, and that prayer will

bring softer feelings about him to both of us. To

both of ^!^s!”

This linking of herself with me—she, the

beautiful high-born lady, I, only a few mouths ago

a forlorn, uncaredfor waif and stray—seemed very

wonderful. I believe the thought of that prayer,

being her prayer, helped me through some dark

clouds which were to overshadow me, and I always

prayed as she told me. She gave me the card,

with the words written in her own hand—I have

it now, yellowwith time, and faded—but the spirit

which put that prayer into words, lives, andit was


Margaret Lee and Ijogged home inthe twilight,

Cherry asleep on my knee, and Margaret urging

Ned to Ms greatest speed.

” My dear young lady is to be married,” she said,

if her health is strong enough; but, Phil, I fear

she is not long for this world. The gentleman

has known her for many years, ever since she was

quite a little girl, and he is worthy of her, which

is saying a good deal.

Margaret asked me how I liked the notion of
being a tailor, and told me I should be able to
make Adam his next suit for Sunday, and keepmyself in clothes.

Adam met us before we got to Gallows Acre
Lane. He thought we were late, and he was
getting anxious. He walked by .the side of the
cart, listening to all that Margaret had to tell him
of the day at Greystone, and, taking Cherry from
me, he carried her up the road himself.

” I’m thinking,” he said, ” of getting a bit of
ground at the back of oxir place and turning it
into a garden for vegetables, for I suppose we are
likely to stay in these parts. There’s a plan now
for two new squares, and a church, and my master
has got the contract. He spoke to me to-day,
Meg, and has put me up a step or two higher, and
my wages are nearly a third more.

”Iam so glad,” Margaret said; “andthere isPhil
going to be a tailor, so we shallbewell off, indeed!”
“Ah! God is good tons!” Adam said, reverently,
” and He does give His blessing.”

”Andthat maketh rich,” Margaret saidinalow
voice, as the cart stopped before the gate of their
happy home.

(To le continued.)

THE black abodes of want and woe—•

Of human wretchedness and gin,

Looked drear and comfortless without,

But yet more desolate within.


The broken windows, dark with dirt,
With tattered garments wet with rain,
Were choked to stay the wind’s chill blasts
That smote upon the window pane.

‘Twas Christmas Eve, and near at hand
The shops were decked with Yule-tide cheer
And gaily smiled the passing throngs,
But all was gloom and sadness here.

At length, one dwelling I approached,
And it was dreary and forlorn ;
Its rooms were empty and the door
Lay rudely from its hinges torn.

I listened for a while without
And wondered what this place had been:
A ruin now it was—and
Was strangely moved to enter in.

I climbed the narrow, broken stairs
By light a nickering street lamp gave;
But all within was drear and dull—
Was dull and silent as the grave.

Still higher in the dark I crept,
A strong, strange impulse urged me on,
Till I had reached the topmost stair,
And all the flickering light was gone;

But groping in the gloomy place,
Around the staircase desolate,
A wooden ladder met my touch,
That led me ‘neath the roof of slate

Then through a crevice in the roof,
The pale moon shot a feeble ray,
That showed me where a childish form
Upon a heap of shavings lay.

This Christmas eve when fires burned bright,
And other children danced with glee,
To see the welcome Yiile-tide cheer—
The holly and the Christmas tree—;

When other children tired with play,
Slept sweetly in their downy beds,
With no more trouble than the thoughtsOf corning joys to fill their heads—

This little outcast, pale and thin,
Crouched on his heap of shavings old,
With no more covering than rags,
To drive away the searching cold.

With recent tears his cheeks were stained ;
His face was pinched with pain and woe.
I did but touch him yet he cowered,
As if beneath a threatened blow.

” Why came you to this dreary place,
My little lad, this Christmas tide ?

And straight, in hushed and frightened voice,
The trembling castaway replied :

” Oh hush ! please hush, don’t speak so loud,
Or he will find out where I’m hid,
He’s looking for me now, I know ;
He beat me yesterday—he did.

“Who wasitbeat you yesterday,
And who is seeking for you ? say !
What have you clone that you should be
Hiding so tremblingly away P”

One frightened look he cast around;
” My father beat me, sir,” he said,
” But please don’t tell him, else he’d beat
Me harder than he ever did.

” And where’s your mother my poor boy;
Why has she left you thus ?” I said ;
” She would not leave me, sir,” he subbed,
” But please sir, my dear mother’s dead.

” Why did your father beat you so,
Nor any touch of mercy feel ?”
“My father, please sir, he was drunk,
And beat me ‘cos I wouldn’t, steal.

“I used to be a street thief once,

‘ And then I got on pretty well,
Till I went to a mission school,
And there I often heard them tell,

” Of God andwhy good Jesus died,
They taught
‘ Thou shalt not steal,’ and
Will never, never thieve again.
Though father beat me till I die.

” You shall not die my poor dear child,
Stay here awhile and by-and-by,
I’ll come and fetch you from this placeOf want and woe and”misery.

” Oh, thank you sir, but ‘fore you goI’d like to sing a little hymn !

And there tipon those shavings old,
Among the shadows weird and dim,

Ho sang in weak and faltering tones,
That souuxbd strangely through the gloom,
The little hymn that he had learned
And sung within the mission room.

” Gentle Jesus meek and mild,
Look upon a little child, ,
Pity my simplicity, –
Suffer me to come to Thee,

” Fain -would I to Thee be broughtGracious Lord forbid it not :
In the kingdom of Thy grace,
Give a little child a place.

Bruised, battered, homeless, motherless,
He yet his little hymn could sing,
For well he knew he soon would be
Within the Palace ofthe King.

And then no more, ‘mid earthly ills.,
His voice in accents sad should rise,
Or sound from dismal dark abodes,
But sing triumphant in the skies.

Before my mind in happy groups,
A vision of the children came,
Who sang beneath the mistletoe,
And laughed beside the Yule-log’s flame.

I went awhile to seek relief,
And when two hours were almost o’er
I climbed the dark and broken stairs,
And crept beneath the roof once more.

The heap of shavings still was there

. And there the little outcast lay,
But he was colder than before,
For his younglife had ebbed away.

He felt not now the keen wind’s touch,
Or trembled at each passing tread ;
His spirit to a fairer realm
On angel wings for aye had^fled.

A vagrant—beaten and reviled—
A castaway no longer now ;
But an invited, welcomed guestWith royal gems upon his brow.

And answered was the childish prayerFor pity and for favour made ;
He soon had found the joyful place,
For which his trustfulheart had prayed.

Then unto Gocl I rendered thanks,
That He who said so lovingly” Turn not the little ones awayBut suffer them to come to Me,

Said not the children of the great,
Or children who are richly clad
Or those born unto high estate,
With fortune’s smiles to make them glad.

To ragged and neglected ones,
Who have no earthly home or friends—
WThose lives are full of bitterness,
His humble messengers He sends.

And angel messengers on earth—
Though all unseen to mortal eye—
He sends to cheer the fainting hearts
With strains of heavenly melod3r,

And bring them forth from care and sin
Up to the white and pearly gates,
Where He who felt their wants and woes—
Their dear Redeemer—stands and waits.


Hark! a voice.

” You have no choice, I am cominguninvited. Coming to yon, a new
friend on 0 long visit, a whole twelve-

nonth; use
me as you please, if well, you will

shed sunshine on my short life which lasts but one
year. If ill, you will overshadow my life and be
unable ever to repair the injury, for I depart on
he 31st December, 1883, never more to return.”
Strange visitor, strange words : New Year.

Your words have set me thinking that when a
juest comes on a visit we are wont to pay plea-
ant attentions, to put on our best or companyiianners; why should we not behave in like
manner to this guest, who will be a good friend

o us, and who will bestow on us many valuable


gifts, and it will be our own faults alone if we

make bad use of these gifts? Let us resolve to

make a fresh start in this New Year, resslve to

overcome some one fault or failing, to commence,

ifonly one good practice.

General rules are well-nigh useless, for the lives

and habits of men and women are so various in

this busy world, but there are very many who,

with a little self-denial, could rise half-an-hour

earlier and devote the time to learning afew verses

of the Bible. By this means many a chapter

would be learned by the end ofthe year. And

oh ! the deep trueall-abiding happiness of having

our loving Saviour’s words and doings stored

away in our minds, precious treasures always in

our possession, priceless jewels.

Spendthis New Year well: time flies quickly ;

let us take good heed ______________

what use we make of it,

the illspent moments

and hours can never be

recalled. They will re

main with us all our

lives, a bitter memory.

” The night cometh

when no man canwork.

It behoves every human
being to make the
bestuse ofthetimegivenhim; think of the life
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
no idle life was His.
He was ever going about
doing good, binding upthe broken -hearted,
healing the sick, doing
acts of love and mercy.
Follow humbly in the
blessed Master’s footsteps.

Some of the most un

happy and miserable

lives are those spent on

self, with no thought, or

idea beyond self. Love

of self creeps into our

lives almost unknown or

unnoticed, but after a

time it takes firm hold,

and needs to be rooted


Those who are conscious
ofa too greatlove
of self, root it out this
New Year like.a rank
weed ; spare it not; sow
in its . stead the sweet
flower oflove for others.

In this great world
there are always vast
multitudes at hand to
help and befriend; the
poorest, the most unlearned
can do something
for a brother or
sister’s good. A clasp of
the hand, a smile, a
timely word, do more at
timesthan silver orgold.
Watch carefully in this
coming year for-opportunities
of doing good,
and be sure in the end
you will reap a goodlyharvest.

G. B.

fife 0f

life of a good man must be a goodstudy. Many have learnt more from
men than from books—young women
as well as young men should read
goodbiography. The best biographies,
however, are in the Bible. And why
are they the best ? They are the

best because they are written by the Best Hand.

They are the best because they are written byOne who kuew the inside of man as well as the
outside. In the Bible the faults of men and
women are not passed over. In the histories of
their lives the evil things are written down as
clearly as the good things. We shall find that
this is so in the history of St. Peter. This warmhearted,
impulsive man, acting rashly often, too
confident in himself, too weakto stand alone, and
then, at length, so brave for Christ, until he died
for His Name’s sake; it has been said ofhim, ” he
is the man of all others among the apostles whom
one would choose for a friend.” Shall we think
so as we simply trace, step by step, his life story ?

St. Peter’s birth into the world is not recorded.
There is given to us, however, the account of
another birthday — the birthday of the soul.

This was of greater importance than the nafraral
birthday, even as the never-dying soul is far
more precious than the frail body. ” What is a
man profited if he gain the whole world and lose
his own soul ? or what shall a man give in. exchange
for his soul?” (St. Matt. xvi. 26). The
birthday of the soul is different in the case of
different people. How was it with Peter? He
was brought to Jesus by Ms oivn brother. John
the Baptist, standing withtwo ofhis disciples,sees
the Lord ” as He walked,” and points to Him as
” the Lamb of God.” The two disciples aeem
instantly to have been drawn to follow Christ.
They ask the Lord where He dwells, and are
graciously invited to ” Come and see.’5 The -two
hours before the going down of the sun are spont
by them in what was at that time the home of
Christ. What a wonderful little time must that

have been ! What words of love, what words of

power those two men must have heard that day !

Itwas theirfirst opportunity, and they seized it,

andused it at once. How many opportunities we

have had ! Have we used them, or have we let

them slip ? Let us remember that we shall have

one day to give account for every opportunity If

a man has had but one call to come to Christ,

he must answer for the way in which he has

either listened or refused to listen to that call.

How comes it to pass that God gives men and

women so many calls which seem to be in vain ?

The reason is this—the heart, the ears, the eyes,

are all wrong (as Matt. xiii. 14, 15), and the deaf,

and blind, and dead in soul do not hear the voice

of Christ. John’s two disciples are a beautiful in

stance of an opened ear,

and the result ” they

heard him speak, and

they followed Jesus”

(John i. 37). Andrew

was one of these men,

and he had a brother,

Simon Peter. Andrew

had his brother in his

heart very quicklyafter

that visit to our Lord.

Peter came to his mind

at once. Itmay be that

there was a beautiful

brotherly friendship be

tween these two men,

and now Andrew had

found atreasure and he

couldnot keep itto him

self, Peter must share

it. He could not but

speak, for his heart was

full. Andrewcould say,

” We have found the

Messias.” There was a

great and blessed cer

tainty here—it was not

thinJe, or we hope

but ” we have found.”

It was suchlanguage as

John loves to use in his

Epistle. How often does

he use the little words

” we Icnow,” words of

assured faith, words of

ttnhesitating trust, and

John could say, ” that

which we have seen and

heard, declare we unto

you.” These are the

true steps to be trod by

any one who seeks to

win another soul to

Christ. We must first

know for ourselves the

power of the blessing

that we wish another to

share with us. Sup

pose you werelaid upon

a sick bed and a friend

should come in and

bring you some remedy

in his hand and say to

you, ” I have tried this

myself ; I have been

sick as you are, but I

used this remedy and I

was cured,” would not

that be a strong recom

mendation to you ?

would you not have far

more confidence in trying
that remedy than if all you knew about it

had been mere hearsay? Andrew could tell
Peter of what he had himself “found.” He had
“found” Christ. The very word “found” implies,
perhaps, that he had been seeking seekingChrist. Those who seek do find (Jer. xxix. 13).
Some seek for a long time and others are onlyseeking a short time before they find. Some seem
to take one quick stepto Christ, whileothershave
to take many slow and painful steps before theyfind Him ; but the result will be—must be—as
God is true, the same for every seeking soul.
Sooner or later there will be but one testimony—
that of Andrew—” WE HAVE FOUND HIM.” When
any man can say that, he will feel as rich
as the merchantman who became possessed of
” one pearl of great price.” You will not need





” She must not lie there,” said Mr. Fairweather

andwatch Florrienursing hertreasure. Thepoorto persuade a man who has found a treasure that
little animalgenerally, under such circumstances, to himself, ” the dew is beginning to fall.”

he is a richer man than he was before—and the
And rising from his seat, he went up to her. soul brought to Jesns as Peter was brought by
the greater part of his body hanging do\vn, as if ‘•’ Aggie, my child,” he said, ” come and take a

looked very uncomfortable, with his hind legs and

Andrew, becomes ” rich towards God,” and he
he must have slipped out ofhis young mistress’s walk round the garden with me.”will know it and feel it too, even if he does not^do
” O, papa, I’m so tired,” she answered.

arms if she had not squeezed him so tight about

so just at first. He willbe ableto saywithDaniel,
“But, my darling, you mustn’t lie on the grass,

the shoulders, and very often he gave vent to a” THOU hast pnt gladness in my heart, more than
little petulant, half-smothered squeak as much so come.”

in the time that their corn and wine and oil inShe
got up and stood beside him. He put his

as to say he wouldfar rather notbe pettedinthat

creased ” (Ps. iv. 7). The important question is,
arm round her neck, and drew her along to the

fashion. However, it never entered Aggie’s head

have we begnn to seek ? Do we yetfeelthattheseMen tell us thatgold that he could be uncomfortable; to her he looked path.
! ” he said, lovingly,

things are worth seeking?
” the dearest darling in the Avorld,” as she called ” What a happy child it isand silver are worth seeking, that health and
passing his hand caressingly over her fair curls.prosperity ir. our family and success in our him,—andoh! hoAV she did envy Florrie for having
She did not answer, and they walked on. The

him. She knew his little squeak quite well, andbusiness are worth seeking, yet, in one quick! wheneArer she heard it, no matter Avhat she Avas father’s heart was full of thoughts of love and moment, all these things may be taken from us
gratitude—love towards his child, and gratitude Itis worth while to seek CHRIST. And when we doing, she would leave her work or her play, and
for the gift of so great a treasure. He was so

rushtothebanktolook overathim. Shethoughtcan say, as Andrew, ” We have found Him,”
so much aboutit, thatshe was in danger of getting happy,walking with her, so that all the fatigue let us also work withAndrew and seek to bring
wickedly anxious, and she even tried to persuade and exhaustion of the day’s hard work were forour
brothers to Jesus. M. E.
gotten. Itwas so easy to labour for such dear

herself,—she, who had so manyblessings, andwho
ones as wife and child.should have been so thankful to God for all His
“Papa,” said Aggie at length, thinking of his

Goodness, that it Avas very hard that Florrie, who
” Papa, I should

had so many little brothers and sisters, should remark about her being happy ;
have such a pet, and that she, who had no one to
” But for one thing,” laughed her father in

be happy—very, very, happy—but for one thing.”

play with, should not. Often andoften, Avhen she
; what do you

was tired ofher games, or felt a little cross, she reply. “You talk like an old man fGNES FA1BWEATHEB was a very
would go up to her mother, and, pressing herself mean ? ”

happylittlegirl. The only and dearly-tip against her in a peevish sort of Avay, so as to ” Only that, papsie, there’s one thing,” and loved child of her parents, she had preventher going onwithherwork or book, would Aggie looked up at her father.
one thing ?'”

“And pray, madam, whatis that ‘everything that heart could desire. say, in a complaining tone : ” Mamma, I do so

At least, so I should have said, had I wish I had a dog like Florrie’s; I should never he asked, smiling.
“I do want so very very much to have a dear

not known that she had one wish wish for anything more then.”

most ardent one, she thought—unIt
was no use her mother telling her that, that little doggie like Florrie’s,” and Aggie, half-

ashamed of herself because of a vagne suspicion

satisfied. And what do yon think the wish Avish granted, shewould soon have another. Shewas ? She had dolls in endless variety—babies felt sure she shouldnot, andastobeingungrateful that papa might be as shocked as mamma, hid in long clothes, brides, ladies in ball-dresses, for all she had, as mamma sometimes suggested,
taking his hand between her own, caressed it

her little blushing face upon his arm, and, sailors, even Swiss and Norman peasants, that she was positive she was not,—only it Avas

and funny little fishermen and fisherwomen deprecatingly.made in shells.
not to have one.

Then she had a railway-very hard to want a little dog so very much and
“Why! bless my heart,” exclaimed Mr. Fair-train that ran round and round, and that she The fact of the matter was this. When first weather, in astonishment, ” haven’t you forgotten could make stop when she called outthe name of the clog yetP ”

Mr. Fairweather, Aggie’s papa, had heard of her
“No,” said Aggie in a faint voice, fearing she

a station, with an engine and tender and all comdesire,
he had made inquiries about a pet dog,

plete; andanomnibuspaintedred, with sixpeople and had found that he could not get one for less had angered him.
inside and a driver holding the reins, and even a than £10, a sum of money which he could not For a minute or two he didnot speak again, and conductor standing on the step with a bag slung afford—for he Avas not rich—to spend on such a Aggie’s fears rose. At last he said, “.When is

; and she your birthday, Aggie P ”

round him to hold the people’s money purpose, so he had told Aggie she could not have
“A long, long “time, first, papa,” she answered,

had aNoah’s Ark, with Noah and all his family, it, and had thought no more on the subject.and pairs of every animal she had ever heard of, “not till September.”

ItwasMrs. Fairweather who kne\v ofallAggie’s

from a little tiny mouse, like one that sometimes ” September ? that’s three months. Well, if

longings, and theymade her quite unhappy. She
you think you can Avait till then, I’ll promise you

ran out of a hole near her nursery fireplace, up to was so sorry to see her little girl give herself up
Can you

a dog for your birthday present.

a great black elephant, like the one she had once
in such a way to uncontrolled desire. She did

had a ride on with several other little girls and wait? ”

not talk of it to her husband, for she Avas afraid
” Oh! yes, yes, yes, dear, clear papa,” sheboys in the Zoological Gardens in Regent’s Park.
if he kneAV how strongly Aggie felt, he would give

But, above all, she had a doll’s house, beautifully answered; rapturously, cuddling up close to him. and most completely furnished throughout, from
mother had quite come to the conclusion that it ” I could Avait a Avhole year if I Avas quite, quite

Avay, and get her the dog ; and the loving, anxious

the kitchen on the ground-floor to the bedrooms
was far better Aggie should not have this Avish sure.”in the second storey: in this kitchen were “You can be as sure as you like, then, my

gratified. She Avas desirous not to spoil, this

pots and pans of every shape and kind, and a one precious child, and she knew how difficult it darling, and you need only Avait three months.” dresser with plates and dishes, and chairs and a was not to do so. I can assure you she never And so saying he bent down his head for the

table, and such a stove! Then the dining-room said herprayersnight or morningwithoutpraying kiss he saw Aggie had ready for him.
had a side-board, and a greatlong table, on which
earnestly thatherHeavenlyFather,Avho had given He Avas not satisfied, however, with one kiss, a most’tempting dinnerwas generally spread,with
her her darling Aggie, Avould give her likewise but he lifted her in his arms, and, pressing her to glasses and water-bottles, and knives and forks,
strength to bringher upwisely and \vell, not overhis
heart, put aside her curls, and kissed her over and table-napkins neatly rolled up in rings ; and
indulging her, and not sparing correction when and over again.the drawing-room Avas almost too beautiful to

Aggie little thought what sacrifice that promise describe,”with its light-blue silk sofas’and chairs, necessary.
had costherfather.” Littlegirlsnever do Avhen they

Still Aggie ceased not. She had never beforeand its piano and book-case, and the large glass
had a wish ungratified, and Avhy should this one beg for things they wish very much. He was

chandelier’hanging from the ceiling, and the two
fail ? She talked about it to nurse,but nurse took not, as I have said, a rich man, and he did not

prettyladies,—one inwalking-dress with aparasol often think of spending ten pounds on a present

in her hand, and the other without a bonnet, to mamma’s view of the matter. So there Avas no
for himself. But it so happened that he hadone left but papa, and she would try him.
been lately offered for that sum, a picture of his

show-that she was athome, and a faninste’ad ofa

parasol. There was a best bedroom, whichAgnes
Itwas an evening such as poets sing of, a soft old home, the. pretty country rectory among the

called the Green Koonx, because itwas all hnng in
and balmy evening in June. The sweet air was Devonshire hills, where he and his brothers and green, and a Pink room belonging to Papa ‘and
laden with the delicate fragrance of roses in full sisters had beenbovu,where his father andmother Mamma Dolly, and a nursery furnished like had died, and where he had. first seen Aggie’s

bloom, and the delicious perfume of new-mown
mother in the early flush of youth and beauty.

Agnes’s own, or rather, I should say, like Agnes
would have wished her own to be, for ithad beds
and the distant hills were violet against the glow

bay. A few soft clouds had gathered in theAvest,
He Avas tightly bou’nd by all his heart-strings to enough for six or seven children who, it must be
ing sky. The London streets werejust beginning
aliens to him and his acted outtheir life’s history.

this dear home Avhere noAv strangers lived, and

confessed, spent the greaterpart of their lives in
M get close and oppressive, and Mr. Fairweatherbed, not becausetheywere naughty, but because come home from his office more than usually Only that very day he had (Determined that he

would allow himself the indulgence, and had

Aggie thought the nurserylookedbest so, and as
weary and exhausted. The country breeze re

therewere so many she argued theycouldnever be
: nature his decided to Avrite by the night’s post to the artist.
lonely,—and the beds, stuffed,with real feathers, freshed his body, and the beauty ofWell! never mind. The sacrifice was made, as

soul. From his seat under a tree he had been

all sacrificesof any worthare,joyfully. To gladden Well now, having heard all this, what do you
ihase to a butterfly, darting hither and thither

were so comfortable!
watching Aggie at play. She had just given
the heart of his darling child Avas better than to

think it was little Aggie wanted? Why nothing
after it, till at last the chased insect had found gladden his own. Such, little maidens, is the love lessthan areal, live, sleek, goggle-eyed pet puppy,
Then and unselfishness of parents. Which of you can with a little pink tongue always hanging out of safety by flying over the garden wall.
repay them, for such things, which are of daily,

Aggie, tired out with her race, had flung herselfits mouth. She had wished for this for what
down on the grass by a bed of mignonette, and nay, in a measure, almost hourly,occurrence? Is seemed to her ” an immense long time,” that is,
“.ay sniffing up the SAveetness.
it not well, then, to be tender, and gentle, and

for nearly sis months, and lately her wish had obedient in childhood? And in later years, Avhen

gathered strength, since her own especial little :or them the silver cord is loosening, and _the

WARNING.—RECKITT’S PARIS BLUE—The manufacturer Oolden bowl tarnishing, and-the pitcher breaking, ran along the bottom ofthe garden, had had one nferiorquality. The Paris Blue in squares (used in the Prince of and the Avheel of life creaking as it turns, whatfriend, Florrie Johnson, who livedintheroadthat
>egs to caution the public against imitation square Blue, of very

given her. She would often climb up on the bank Vales’ Laundry) is sold in wrappers” bearing their name and can we do for them, in the way of loving care and
inside the garden-wall that she might look over
trade Mark.—(Anyi.

patient forbearance, that sliallbe adequate return
for all they were to us in childhood?

Just as Mr. Tairweather put Aggie out of his
arms on to the garden-path, her ear caught Prin’s
(Prin was the name of Florrie’s little dog), her
ear caught the well-known sound ofPrin’s squeak.

” OlTdo, papa, come and look at him,” she said,
eagerly; and seizing her father’s haoicl, she
dragged him up the bank to look over the wall.

” Look at him, papa,,look at him ! ”
Mr. Fairweather began to understand what he
had been dragged up the bank for.
” He looks like a little pig,” he said, laughing,

” and very miserable.

” Oh, papa! ” exclaimed Aggie, shocked.
Dear me! with what different feelings she

gazed at her coveted treasure now. She longed
to call out and tell her friend of papa’s promise,
but she was afraid Florrie would hardly believ
her, and itwould be so difficult to explain all abou
it, in very loud tones over the garden wall; so sh
would wait tillthe morning, and get nurse to tak<
her down the lane to meet Florrie, and then shi
would tell her everything.

” Miss Aggie, Miss Aggie ! ” called nurse frorr
the other side of the shrubs ; ” it’s past bed

” Oh ! how provoking ! ” remarked Miss Aggiein an undertone, with a little pout. She coulc
have stood there watching Prin for another hour.

” I’ll carry you up to bed, little woman,” smVI
papa, consolingly.

He carried her up to the nursery, and stood her
on her bed. ” Good night, dearest old papsie,’
she said, holding her hands tightly clasped round
his neck.

” Good night, my precious child,” he answered,
“God bless you.;” and, disentangling himself from
her embrace, he left her.

” Nunnie, what do you think ?” the child went
on when he was gone, ” I’m to have a little Prin
of my own on my next birthday.”

Nurse shookher head and looked doubtful.

“I am really, ISTunnie,” she reiterated, “but
shan’t call him Prin ; I think-I shall call him—
what shall I call him, ]STunnie ?

Still nurse shook her head, not thatshe doubted
papa’s indulgence, but only what mamma would
say and think.

” Aren’t you glad, Nunnie?” Aggie asked in a
chilled tone of disappointment. ” I wish mamma
had come home from Mrs. Mayhew’s that I mighttell her.

But mamma did not come in to give her ” goodnight’s kiss ” till Aggie was sound asleep. ” 111
call him Mustard, Nunnie, like Uncle Charlie’s
dog,” had been the child’s last waking words.

After all it was papa who first broke the news
to mamma.

” I’ve promised Aggie a pet dog on her birthday,”
he said, “so I shall give up all thoughts of
that picture. I had no idea her heart was so set
upon it.

” O, Edward!” exclaimed Mrs. Fairweather,
with astonished eyes and a deep sigh.
” Well, my love! haven’t I done right?” he

asked, puzzled.
” I’m afraid not,” she replied quite solemnly.
” I ought never to have thought of that pic

ture,” he went on in explanation, ” and the moneywill be better spent in making the child happy.”

” It isn’t so much the picture,” the sympathising
wife answered with a loving smile, for she
knew how to appraise the sacrifice; “but I’m
afraid Aggie ought not to have the dog.”

And then she told herhusband the whole story,
how determinedly Aggiehad longedforit, and how
she, the mother, had’kept the knowledge of the
longingfromhim, thathe might not be tempted to
rob the child of this opportunity of a victory over

“Well, it’s too late now; my love,” he said,
when he had heard his wife to the end, ” I’ve
given_her my promise, and she’s gone to sleep
upon it. Whatever happens, her father’s promisemust stand.

” Of course, of course,” confirmed Mrs. Fair-
weather, and then she closed her eyes, to think
and pray, instead of to sleep. There was One

she knew, who could overrule everything for good,
and to Him she turned, and in Him she trusted ‘


June passed away, and July and August came
and went, and, at last, after long waiting as it


but a fortnight to the birthday. Already all the

glory of summer had gone. There had been

moist sou’ westgales and drenching rains, and the

leafless trees sighed and tossed like uneasy ghosts

in the thick dull atmosphere. It was an unusual

season everybody agreed, and the worst of it was

thatfever had come with the damp and fog, and

was raging so terribly about Aggie’s home that

she was kept a prisoner in the house and garden.

The finest days she was only allowed to run up

and down the gravel paths with her hoop, or skip

on the terrace. It was well for herthat she never

heard Prin’s squeak now, for she was forbidden

to climb the wet, sodden bank.

“If I had only had my Prin,” she would say

to herself, ” to playwith all this wet weather.

She always spoketohim as ” my Prin ;” notthat

she had any idea of calling him “Prin,” on that

point she was quite decided/though what she

should call him, she could never make up hei

mind. She thought a great deal about it, anc

hunted in all her story books for the names o:

dear petdogs; and shetook Florrie into her counse”

and asked for advice and suggestions. Some

times she would pretend to be calling a little d

that she mighthear what name soundedbest; anc

sometimes she would write down a number

names on different slips of paper, and get nurse

or mamma to draw one at hap-hazard. But yel

here she was, within a fortnight of the eventful

day, and the knotty question was still unsettled

She had worked a collar for him herself in hei

favourite colour, light blue ; though she could not

make it up till he arrived, because, as nurse said,

it was quite impossible that she should know the

size of his throat. But it was a comfort to think

that it was already for him, and mamma had

promised to make it up in a very short time, so

that ” my Prin” could wear it on the birthday

evening, and be introdiiced to papa by his name,

when he came home.

Meantime the fever raged, and first one and

then another in the more densely inhabited part

of the suburb was laid low, and often Aggie could

see from her nursery window a funeral procession

wind up the opposite hill. They looked specially

gloomy in the mist, the black hearse and a black

coach or two, and half-a-dozen men or in black

clothes. Aggie would gaze at them with wonder

ing eyes. How sad and terrible death seemed !

How well that it did not come near her ! For the

time she would forget her dolls and toys, and even

“my Prin,” and speculate in her childish way.

One day therewas a hearse with some limp white

frills flapping about as the hill was climbed.

” Why are they white, to-day ?” asked Aggie

of nurse who was standing beside her looking out.

” Because it’s a young person,” answered nurse,

evading more information.

” How young?” next asked the child.

” I don’t know exactly,” replied nurse shortly.

“As young as I am?” said Aggie, looking her
steadily in the face.

” A little younger, I think,” returned nurse,
unable any longer to avoid giving the information
asked for.

“Then I might die?” said Aggie solemnly and
half interrogatively.
” Don’t think of such things, my precious one,”
reproved nurse in a frightened tone.

“But I might, I know I might; mamma has
told me so often, but I never quite understood
about it before,” and many times that day her
thoiights recurred to the new light which had

been let in upon her soul.
let me kiss you.”

At night when she was warm and snug in her And the child ran to him, and he held her in a
little bed, and the rain was still dropping outside, close embrace, his heart touched beyondthe powerpatter, patter upon the gravel, her mother bent of expression.
over her to give her a last kiss.
The mother came and joined them, and,

“Put your head quite close down to me, slipping down on her knees beside her husband,
Mammie,” the child said, “I want to ask you she took one hand of each dear one in hers, and
something Nunnie mustn’t hear,” for nurse, she her tears fell fast. So one could speak,—even
was afraid, would puther off as before.
_gie’s little child’s heart swelled and choked

“Mummie, if I was to die,” she whispered, her. She was so happy with papa’s arms round
( what would you do with’ myPrin ?’

her. and her hand in mamma’s, that she gave a
A pang of anxious foreboding went to the little cry to relieve her overstrained feelings.
mother’s heart. ” Please God, my darling,” she Then her father released her from his hold,
aid, ” you will live many years longer than your and said: ” God bless you, my own child, and

you, my darling wife !

” ButifI was to, mamma ; what would you do And Aggie scrambled down. Oh ! how much,
with him?

much better this was, she thought, than a dog
“Whatever you wished, my own love,” anHer
father mastered his emotion, and said,
swered her mother, kissing her fondly.
cheerfully: ” But where are Aggie’s other presents;
The child returnedher kisses, and for a moment this is only mine to her; where is mamma’s? ”

“Mamma, IfI tuasto,”the strong emphnsis on
” was,” was intended to suggest as”a comfort the
extreme improbability of such a thing ; “if Iwas
to, do you think I should be sorry I had ever had
him ?

” How doyou mean, my love?” asked themother

“Don’t you remember, mamma,” and the child
nestled closer and the voice sank lower, ” don’t
you remember you used to tell me I was naughty
to wish for a little dog so much, when I had so
many, many pretty things, and some poor little
children had none ; and you used to say it mightmake God angry, and I knowyouwere sorrywhen
papa promised to give me one, so I thought today,
perhaps, if I were to die, I might be sorry
too, and you wouldn’t care for ‘ my Prin,’ because
it would remind you that I had been naughty.
Ask Nunnie to go out of the room for a minute
or two, and let me say part of my prayers over

* * * * –
With how happy and thankful a heart did Mrs.
Fairweather lay herself down to rest that night.
She had not trusted in vain. The uncontrolled
wish had been over-ruled to even greater goodthan she had dared to hope.
The next day there was a great andmost earnest
consultation between mother and child, oneresult
of which was that in a few days Mrs. Fairweather
held in her hands the price of ” my Prin,” to be
spent by Aggie for her birthday, as she should
prefer under mamma’s superintendence.
Well! the very first fine dayMamma and Aggie
went up by a morning train to London, and when
they came back nurse, who met them at the
station, had a large brown paper parcel given her.
to carry.
” Mind jou don’t tell papa, Nunnie, mind youdon’t,” said Aggie eagerly; “but oh! dear me,
what shall I do if I tell him myself ? ”
Both mamma and nurse laughed.
“Mummie, you must shake your finger hard at
me,” she went on, ” if you see I’m going to,
won’t you ?

Her mother smiled and promised.
It was a great struggle to keep the secret, but
at last the birthday dawned. Aggie knocked at
her father’s door. ” Papa, you’re to come down
to breakfast with me this morning,” she said,
\vhen her father had given her his birthday kisses
and good wishes.
She took his hand and led him downstairs.
There was mamma, who had made her greetingsalready in the nursery, standing smiling behind
the singing urn, and at papa’s end of the table
was something covered up with a table-napkin.
” Papa, this is my birthday present,” she cried,
” and 1 give it to you—Come, so make haste and

Pier father came to do her bidding, and, liftingoff the table-napkin, saw—what do you think P—
A little pet dog ? ISTo—but——but what P—the
picture of his dear old home! Yes ! Aggie had
heard all the story from her mother, and. of her
own free will had chosen to spend papa’s £10 on
the pictui’e instead of on the puppy.
” Is this your birthday present, my darling ? ”
Mr. Fairweather asked in a voice hoarse from
emotion, and he looked towards the mother, whose
eyes were glistening, for explanation.
“Yes, papa,” answered Aggie eagerly, “it’s
my birthday present, only it’s for you.”
” Come here, my precious child,” he said, “and

seemed to Aggie, September broke. It wanted

or two was silent; then she said :

“It was Aggie’s wish that they should not be



given till yours had been disposed of,” answerec imitations of the Miracle Plays. It is evidently taining characters, which are drawn by the mem

derived from the Saturnalia of the Romans—a bers of the assembled company, according to lots.
And Esther came, bearing a tray, with severa’ feast of bacchanalian mirthandfestivity inhonour

Mrs. Fairweather, “but Iwill ring for Esther.
The chronicle of Christmas and New Year

of Saturn. On these days universal holiday was customs and legends is an interesting one. Ourlittle parcels.

“Let me give them to you, my darling,” sale proclaimed, servants were free and merry with forefathers, who flourished beforethe days of gas,

telegraphs, railways,telephones, andphonographs,

Mamma, and she handed them off the tray one their masters, presents were sent to each other,
had more leisure wherein to enjoy these quaint

the academies kept vacation, no war was to be

by one.
customs, and to retail marvellous stories. We, of

First, there was her own present to Aggie, declared, and no criminal executed. And as these
Andersen’s lovely Fairy-tales, most beautifully days fellupon the calends of January, the Saxons this day, may perchance benefit physically and
bound and illustrated; then there was a grocer’s
more of the earnest reverence, true-hearted and

adopted some of the principal features of the mentally by observing the festival with a little
shop, with scales and weights, and boxes and Saturnalia intheir New Year observances.

But the principal custom connected with the open handed charity, andjoyous abandon of our

canisters and everything complete from Nurse;
New Year is thatof Twelfth Day, and its accomforefathers.
Our lives are so full of carking care,

then arosewood work-boxfrom the otherservants,
and a gold locket from uncle and godpapa paniments of Twelfth Cake. This day is called
often forgetthe holy dutieswhichthistime enjoins,

breathless hurry, or grasping avarice, that we too
Charlie, and more books from other well-wishers; Epiphany, which means the manifestation of

Christ to the Gentiles, for on that day, as we and ignore the abundant opportunities offeasting

and,finally, grandmamma’s—mamma’s mamma’s
those ” sick, maimed, halt, and blind,” who ” can—

believe, the Eastern Magi were guided by the

“This you must open yourself,” said Mrs. “star in the east”to pay their homage to the not recompense” us. Still, to many hearts,

Infant Saviour. Alfred the Great• commanded Christmas is a blessed tide, while the New Year
and she carefully gave into Aggie’s hand a thatallChristmasfestivities should endonTwelfth
round basket covered over with a pocket-handkerNight,
seeing that the ” wise meri”»,.in thatnight
Fairweather, ” but put it on the table first; ”
brings with it a renewal of earnestpurposefor the

time yet to come.
laid down their gifts, “gold, frankincense, and EMMA RAYMOND PITMAN.


” Be careful, Miss Aggie, love, do,” said nurse, myrrh ” at the Saviour’s feet. In some parts of
who was looking on, showing by her face that England, people used to light a large bonfire in
A FRIENDLY OFFER.—We have much pleasureshe had been let into the secret.
the garden or on hills, in memory of the ” Star in stating that Mr. John Shrimpton, of 38, Lin

And Aggie uncovered it gently, lifting up one inthe East,”whileon the greatwidekitchen-hearth coln’s Inn Fields, W.C., will gladly forward, postcorner of the handkerchief first to take a peep, ofthe house some members of the family would
free, to any workers amongst young women, aan<}——what do you think she saw ?—Why ! burn juniper berries in order that the sweet perpacket
of LEAFLETS, conveying in a few words

nestledup in a ball, likealittlehedgehog, butthat fume of the burningberries mighttypify thefrag(
excellently printed and in large bold type) muchit was smooth,—a tiny terrier puppy dog.
rance of the frankincense and myrrh. In many goodly counsel and moral teaching. The followShe
could hardly believe her eyes. She almost places the Twelfth Cake was made in the shape of
ing is a specimen of the text of the leaflets inwanted to send it away, she had been so happy a babe, to represent the Holy Child. But generquestion, up her desire. But mammatoldher itwas ally speaking, the Twelfth Cake was a large sized
CARES AND PRAYERS.grandmamma’s present, and she must write and

plum cake, into which were put various things,
thank her for it; she did not tell her, as she did according to the tradition and custom of the lo

Learn to entwine with your prayers the small
her husband afterwards, that grandmamma, cality. Sometimes it would be a bean, sometimes cares, the trifling sorrows, the little wants of
hearing the whole story, had determined to send a wedding-ring, sometimes a thimble, and at other daily life. Whatever affects you—be it a changed
this pet dog as a reward to the child.
times a crooked sixpence. All these articles had look, an altered tone, an unkind word, a wrong, a
Itis hard to say who was happiest thatblessed their various significations, for instance, the bean wound, a demand you cannot meet, a sorrow you
dciy, but this I can tell you, that Aggie never conferred the honour ofkingship during the festicannot
disclose—turn it into prayer, and send it
forgot it, and she called the puppy Balcombe, val upon him who should gain it; the thimble up to God. Disclosures you may not make to

which she shortened into Bally, after her father’s meant ” woi-k,” the sixpence wealth, and the wedman
you can make to the Lord. Men may be too

early home. And as for Mr. Fairweather, the ding-ring marriage. At the proper period the little for your great matters ; God is not too great
picture, endeared to him a hundred-fold, hung cake was cut up and divided among the surroundfor
your small ones. Only give yourself to
opposite his place at dinner, and he was never ing company, all with the exception of five pieces. prayer, whatever be the occasion that calls for it.
tired oftelling his friends, while his wife listened These five pieces were intended for the Infant
Now ready, the Nineteenth Volume ofwith an approving smile, that it was a present to Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and the three Wise

him from his little girl. And grandmamma came Men, but asthey would not be present to receive TEE BRITISH WOEKWOIAKand saw it, and nursed ”Bally,” as Aggie fondly their portions, they were immediately distributed Beautifully Illustrated.

Handsome coloured Picture Cover, Is. 6d. • Cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 6rf.called him, on her lap, and Uncle Charlie taught to the beggars who waited at the gate ; thus our
Also, now ready, the SECOND VOLUME of

the puppy all sorts of wonderful tricks; and ancestors shared their festivities with the poor in

Aggie told mamma in her private ear she hoped our Saviour’s stead. May it not be that the THE CRYSTAL STOBIES,Bally would never die, but always be there to reGerman
custom of placing a plate,knife, and fork Containing Twelve complete Stones by Emma Mar

mind her ofthe first great lesson of her life : “It

and an empty chair at the Christmas feast for the shall, Mrs. Mackarness, Mrs. Gregg,Thomas Frost, &c.
Handsome coloured Picture Cover, Is. 6rf.; Cloth. 2s.

is more blessed to give than receive.”Christ child ” was derived from this? The GerNow
ready, price One Penny.COLLEY BlNDOtf.
mans, having done this, look outfor any poor des

titute hungry child or beggar who may come to The British Workwoman Almanack for 1883,

the door, and bringing him in, make him sit down With suitable Texts for each day.
andeat the ” Christportion.” Notwithstanding its Illustrated by the best Artists.r Jf0Ik-ktt*
probable superstitious origin the custom is a

beautiful one, and carries out the spirit of our THE CRYSTAL STORIES.

Lord’s own directions for feasts. ” When thou ”Thoroughly sound and wholesome, and essentially well
makest a feastcallthepoor, themaimed, thelame, adapted fir family reading.”—Daily News, Dec. 2,

‘HE New Year has its customs andlegends, manifold and diversified.
No, XXIII., price One Penny, Post-free l^d., ready

the blind, and thou shalt be blessed, for they can1882.
Prior to 1752, our New Year comnot
recompense thee; but thou shalt be recomon
January 15, 1883, will contain complete—

menced on March 25. Thus there pensed at the resurrection of the just.” Luke
was no break in the festivities of xiv. 13, 14. To those who have not tried it I
Christmas, while the civil and the would commend this form of Christian charity, as
BY C. I. PR.INGLE.ecclesiastical years ranalong together. one which is peculiarly acceptable and kind to Its
No. 1. The Woman who Saved Him. F. VV. ROBINSON.

It is customary both to offer presents and to recipients. • –
,, 2. Heiress of. Castle Russell. ” GRACE. “give utterance to good wishes at the commenceThe
lucky possessor ofthepiece of cake contain,,
3. Rescued from Rome. LESTER LORTON.

ment of a New Year, which customs are both ing the bean was declared king for the whole ,, 4. DaisyMarch, the Prison Flower.relics of Saxon superstitions designed to propitiate veniug,withthe privilege of ruling all the sports. Authorof “FEMALE LIFE IN PRISON.”the Gods, and secure prosperous years. In many To begin with, he Avas carried round the room a ,, 5. Aaron’s Harvest C. H. M. BRIDGE.

houses to this day, it is considered unlucky for ertain number of times in a chair supposed to be „ C. His Highness. E. OSWALD. a female to enter the house first on New Year’s lis throne, upon the shoulders of the strongest of ,, 7. His One Friend.

morning, but if a young lad does so, a bright, ;he partjr. After this, the wassail-bowl—con-Author of “ATKAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM.

happy, and fortunate year is secured. Amongthe .aining spiced ale, hot toast, and roasted apples ,,8. Mike o’the Shannon. Mrs. LYSAGHT.
rural population of England there is a tradition was partaken of, and they all drank in turn. „ 9. Ruth Bavtlett’s Victory. LAURA M. LANE.

[f any of the company became too noisy or mis,
10. TheHouseinBullion Court. Mrs. E.R. PITMAN.

that the spirits of those who are to die in the suc,
11. Jem’s Hopes. MAUDE JEANNE FRANC.ceeding year, pass into the churchatdead of night chievous, the king was possessed ofpower to sen-
, 12. Barbe’s Secret. JEAN the order in which they are to die, and some ;ence himto some punishment. This punishment
, 13. Madge’s Seasons. Mrs. MACKARNESS.people have actually watched the old year outand
, 14. Six Penn’orth of Coppers. LOUISA E. DOBEKE.

was dealt outby theking, placing his head downin
the new year in, in the Church porch, in order to ;he queen’s lap, in order to pronounce it, and his „ 15. AHeathen of the Day. “ALISON.”see the terrible sight for themselves. In ghostly soldiers executing it. In this way arose the „ 16. Sir Valentine’s Victory. EMMA MARSHALL.literature and tradition, dismal stories are not noderD game of ” crying forfeits.” The piper of ,, 17. A Brave Young Heart. LAURIE LANSFELDT.lacking in connection with this superstition. he party was also required, toward midnight, to ,, 18. Dermot O’Hara. J. CALLWELL.

Mumming is also a New Year’s custom, which in rest his headupon the queen’slap and answer any ,, 19. Her Crooked Ways. S. GREGG.
past times obtained considerable practice in this questions that might be put to him. After so ,, 20. Muriel’s Trials. MARGARET GRANT.
country, but is now fast dying out. Except in doing, he was dismissed until the return of the ,, 21. A Jilted Woman. Mrs. LYSAGHT.
next Twelfth Night festivities.
,, 22. Wait Awhile. J. INDERMAIR.

remote hamlets, mumming bids fair to become a
Post free, l±d.

thing of the past. Rustics dressed in all sorts of The Twelfth Cakes of the present day are Each complete Story, One Penny.
generally surmounted with fantastic figures, Part IV. with 12 Illustrations. Price Qd. Now ready.

fantastic dresses, and some of them wearing
VolumeII. PictureCover,Is. 6d.; Cloth, 2s., also ready.

women’s apparel, go about from farmhouse to •epresenting the king, queen, and court officials.

RICHARD WILLOUGHBY, 27, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row.

farmhouse, dancing, reciting, and acting coarse
Around the cake are then displayed crackers, con


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