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STR-Jan_1887Uncorrected OCR Text
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Vol. VII.—No. 1
Home Subscription, 1/6; Colonial do., 3/6 per Annum, Post Free
are now made on an entirely New Process, which doubles their strength.
will never ferment or become thin.
The only reliable article in the market is Judson’s Indestructible Marking Ink.
It is absolutely Indelible, Jet Black, and
Will not Injure the Finest Fabrics.
This article has A VERY LARGE SALE, and being Advertised, Sells Well Wherever Shown.
Are now being very largely ADVERTISED EVERYWHERE
Illustrated Catalogues and Terms on application to
DANIEL JUDSON & SON, Lim., 77 Southwark Street, London.
OCR-Inside Front Cover
Telegraphic Address—“COWAN, EDINBURGH.”
Valleyfield Mill, Bankmill, Lowmill, Penicuik
Paper Makers
Envelope Manufacturers
Paper Rulers
Account Book
38 West Register Street, & Craigside Works, EDINBURGH
Box Stationery Department
Extra Superfine Note
In handsome Gold and White Enamel Boxes, each containing 120 Sheets
Black Bordered in a superior manner by a new process, and put up in elegant Boxes, each containing 120 Sheets.
A complete series of BOXED STATIONERY.
Samples Free
This Department possesses unequalled facilities for turning out expeditiously work, of the most durable quality.
Account ♦Forms ♦ and ♦ Blank ♦ Books
Really good lines in CHEAP MEMORANDUM BOOKS
Particular attention given to Orders for RULED PAPERS and SPECIALLY-MADE ACCOUNT BOOKS.
This important branch of our establishment is carried on separately at our CRAIGSIDE WORKS
It has recently been greatly extended, and machinery of the most modern construction introduced. We are therefore in the most favourable position for executing orders to any extent with the utmost efficiency and despatch.
Samples and Prices on Application
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Stationery, Book, and Fancy Goods Trades
Trade Notes
Edinburgh.—Messrs R. & R. Clark, printers, have assumed as partner Mr Edward Clark, son of the senior member of the firm.
* * *
Edinburgh —J. G. Hitt (late of William Blackwood & Sons, publishers) has opened as bookseller, stationer, &c., in George Street.
* * *
Edinburgh.—Messrs G. & W. Bertram are putting down a new paper machine for the Guardbridge Paper Company.
* * *
Edinburgh.—Mr D. S. Stewart, printer, Melbourne Place, has sold out to Messrs E. & S. Livingstone, booksellers, &c., Teviot Place. The printing office remains at the old address.
* * *
Edinburgh.—Mr John Brown, wholesale stationer, printer, &c., has removed, and is now fairly established in his new premises, Bridgeside Works, Jeffrey Street, which have been specially built for him. These works are in every way well adapted for all the requirements of a large business. They occupy a commanding site, and as seen from the Waverley Station, they present a neat and handsome appearance.
* * *
Edinburgh.—Mr J. A. Downie will in future have charge of the showrooms, No. 60 Princes Street, opened some months ago by Messrs Marr, Downie, & Co., Glasgow. A full line of M., D., and Co.’s productions can be seen here at any time, the showrooms being always open.
* * *
Glasgow.—Messrs George Routledge & Sons have opened a branch establishment at 51 Miller Street.
* * *
Banff.—Mr A. M. Nicoll, late principal assistant to Mr James Watson, Elgin, has commenced business on his own account as bookseller and stationer at High Street, Banff.
* * *
Dalkeith.—Mr John Carment, High Street, has just added letterpress printing to his business. While thus increasing his cares, he will doubtless find it a useful auxiliary to his stationery department.
* * *
Kilmarnock.—Mr David Brown, stationer, &c., Dairy, Ayrshire, has taken over the stationery and printing business so long carried on by Mr James M‘Kie, King Street, Kilmarnock. The business will be carried on in future by Mr Brown, in conjunction with his son and Mr J. M‘Cleary, under the style of D. Brown & Go.
* * *
Carlisle.—Messrs C. Thurnam & Sons have secured the contract for the Town’s printing and stationery for the next three years.
* * *
Leeds.—Messrs T. Wright & Co., of Speedwell Leather Works, Leeds, have purchased and removed to Oatlands Mill Meanwood Road, where they will have ample accommodation for their increasing business.
* * *
Richmond, Yorkshire.—Mr Henry Hurworth has disposed of his bookselling, stationery, and printing business to Mr C. E. Cookes (who has managed the business for some years past), by whom it will be carried on in future.
* * *
Birmingham. — The business, stock, printing plant, &c., belonging to the late Thomas Henry Lakins, Edmund Street, is for sale by private bargain. The solicitor is Mr M. A. Titter, Bennett’s Hill.
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[Jan. 1887
Manchester.—A new catalogue just issued by Mr John Hey wood, seems to have been got up with a view to completeness. Almost anything a stationer, bookseller, or printer—even to machinery—can want, is to be found in its pages. It is, in fact, a book of reference, which stationers would do well to possess.
* * *
London.—The firm of Schafer, Scherer, & Co., leather merchants and manufacturers, 11 Tottenham Street, W., has been dissolved. The business will in future be carried on by Mr Henry Schafer, under the style of Schafer & Co., at the same address.
* * *
London.—With the advent of January ten new postage stamps were issued to the public. The penny stamp remains unaltered. Messrs De la Rue are, as usual, the printers.
* * *
London.—The Directors.of Reid’s Transformation Prints Company, Limited, have elected John Walker, Esq., of John Walker & Co., Farringdon House, to be their chairman.
* * *
London.—Messrs W. H, Hayden & Co., 10 Warwick Square, have been appointed agents for George Stewart & Co.’s “ Lion ” Brand Gold Medal Sealing Wax.
* * *
London Agency.—Messrs E. S. Wigg & Son, booksellers, manufacturing stationers and importers, of Adelaide, South Australia, have opened a London office, at 29 Ludgate Hill, E.C. Mr H. Bishop, who was for some years with the firm in Adelaide, and has been representing them in London for the past two years, continues to act as their buyer and representative.—Stationery Trades Journal.
* * *
Price List.—The reductions in the Spanish tariff, which takes place in consequence of the treaty concluded a short time ago with Spain, is creating a demand for English goods. Mr John S. Downing has therefore prepared, in Spanish, an illustrated list of his productions, so as to bring his goods before the Spaniards in their own language. Mr Downing will be glad to forward this list, post free, to any house doing business with Spain, or with any of the Spanish-speaking countries. — Stationery Trades’ Journal.
* * *
The State Printing Establishment at Washington is engaged on a history of the Civil War, which will be in eighty volumes of 1000 pages each. Several volumes will be issued annually.—The Queen.
* * *
Bookplates.—Those well-known labels, with which proud collectors decorate their treasures, are eagerly looked after by a growing number of amateurs. As yet, however, few collections have been made ; and, except the one instance the other day during the sale of Mr Solly’s library, no large collection has been offered publicly. About 2000 of these ex libris fetched <£51, 10s. (W. Hunt). Many were “ unknown and undescribed.” Among the lot was one of “Wm. Penn, proprietor of Pennsylvania.”—The Queen.
* * *
C. Davidson & Sons, Limited,—The twelfth annual general meeting of the shareholders of this firm of paper manufacturers, Aberdeen, was held at their works, Muggiemoss—Mr John Davidson presiding. The report stated that the disposable balance of profit was £12,463, and recommended a dividend of 10 per cent, for the year, carrying forward £3,463 to next year’s profit and loss account, and, as before, adding £1,000 to the reserve fund. The chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, which was unanimously carried, said that looking back on the progress of the company since the business was transferred to it from the old firm, it was gratifying to note that the amount paid in dividends came to £62,424, or £2,424 more than the entire paid-up capital of the company, in addition to which a reserve fund had been accumulated, amounting to the substantial sum of £20,000.— The Printers’ Register.
* * *
Edinburgh Co-Operative Printing Company, Limited.—The twenty-sixth half-yearly report of this company has been issued, and shows that even at a time when complaints regarding the continuance of dull trade are, perhaps, louder than they have been for some years back, the company’s business continues to make substantial progress, the trade for the past year amounting to £7,237, which is £1,139 in excess of the previous year. The receipts for the six months show an increase of £811, as compared with the corresponding period of last year. Under the new arrangement of profit-sharing, 20 per cent, of the net profits fall to be divided among the employes. This will yield Is. in the £ on their wages. After allowing interest on loans, depreciation of plant, &c., amounting to £495, the net balance comes to £270, 18s., which admits of a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum.
* * *
Mr Galpin, member of the firm of Cassell and Co., Limited, is the new editor of the Magazine of Art, in succession to Mr W. C. Henley.—The Printers’ Register.
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A striking portrait—excellently etched by Mr Chas. Lawrie of Edinburgh—of the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, MP., has just been published by Messrs Neill & Son of Haddington. The Messrs Neill are not unknown in the world of art. Two or three years ago they issued a series of etchings of Turner’s pictures, which were very successful. The present venture, we feel sure, will not disappoint the expectations of the publishers, as the right hon gentleman, in addition to his high position in the Government, is well known and highly esteemed in the county, and, moreover, his residential estate, Whittinghame, is within a few miles of the “Lamp o’ Lothian.”
* * *
Eason’s Index Diary.—This is one of the smartest things in diaries this season has produced, and we fear not it will take a prominent place among the many diaries and note books which annually cover the counters of stationers on the approach of the New Year. Unlike the orthodox diary, the index diary, being wholly innocent of dates, does not become bad stock as soon as the month of January expires, but may be sold at all periods of the year. Indeed, the title “Diary” is somewhat of a misnomer, as it is just a cleverly arranged note book, indexed throughout with a series of indices—“ Alphabetical,” “ The Months,” “Cash Paid and Deceived,” “Engagements,” &c. It is done up in paste grained case, with pockets, flap, and clasp), and sells at 2s. 6d. The case, and especially the clasp, might be improved upon.
* * *
One of the most taking novelties of this season has been the “Curling Stone ” paper weight. Made in imitation granite, with German silver handle, this conceit is an exact copy in miniature of the famous Scotch “channel stane,” and at once suggests memories of “ice, saut beef an’greens.” It is at once useful and ornamental. The price is from 12/ per dozen. It has been specially manufactured for Geo. Stewart and Co., George Street, Edinburgh.
* * *
Messrs Howlett & Son are emphatically “the gold printers.” Their productions in gold printing have a finish and sparkle that few can equal. The specimens of their ball programmes for this season are one and all characterised by exquisite taste. The designs, though simple, are effective, and the printing is all that can be desired. Stationers would do well to have a selection of H.&S.’s patterns in stock.
* * *
The above represents, though very inadequately, a new counter show-case of sealing wax, which Messrs Geo. Stewart & Co., George Street, Edinburgh, have just brought out. It is exceedingly neat and attractive, and is of a totally new design. It measures 12-1/2 by 9-1/4 inches, and contains 1 lb. each of five kinds of sealing wax, viz.:—3d., 2d., and 1d. per stick, red, black, and fancy coloured wax, and red parcel wax—making a very complete assortment of this fashionable, though ancient, article of stationery. The Trade price is 12s. 6d.; retail value, 20s.
The Messrs Stewart have also issued a series of boxes of sealing wax at 6d., 1s., and 2s. retail. These are done up—one dozen in an outer box— with that neatness which is characteristic of the firm. We have no hesitation in recommending these lines to the attention of the Trade, both whole-sale and retail, as excellent and profitable ones to begin the year with. It will be remembered that the Messrs Stewart were awarded a Gold Medal— highest award—at the International Exhibition, Edinburgh, for the excellence of their make of this article.
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[Jan. 1887
A new series of books of the “Where is it?” family have just been brought out by Messrs Marr, Downie, & Co. of Glasgow. This enterprising firm seem never to be behind hand in any article of stationery manufacture. These books, whether indexed alphabetically or with the days of the months, &c., are got up with a neatness and finish which, considering their price, is simply surprising. Retail prices are 1d., 2d., and 3d. Another series, with Tuck pocket, retail at 6d. and 1s.
* * *
The same firm have also just introduced a new line of plush goods which fancy stationers should see. The photo, frames are specially good, being made entirely of wood, covered with the best plush velvet, with full openings and cloth backs. Numbers 26, 9s.; 83, 21s.; 37, 24s.; and 40, 36s. are exceptional value. They are made in all the sizes—carte-de-visit, cabinet, &c.—and are in various colours. The prices range from 6d. to 12s. 6d., retail.
* * *
Posies.—The New Floral Card Game.—This is the name given to a new set of cards, published by Marcus Ward & Co. The pack contains forty-eight cards, divided into eight sorts of flowers, viz.:— roses, pansies, marigolds, daisies, violets, primroses, snowdrops, and forget-me-nots. There are six cards of each flower, of different values, from the prize or picture flowers, which are highest, to the single flowers, which are lowest, the intermediate cards having their values represented by the number of blooms upon them, same as the “spots” on ordinary playing cards. Three games may be played with the new floral cards,—first, “The Floral Guest,” which may be played by three of more persons, somewhat after the style of quartette; second, “Posies,” at which 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 persons can play, or any two can play against other two as partners, same as in whist; and third, “The Flower Show,” which can be played by 2, 3, or 4 persons, but the latter requires two packs of cards. The idea is a capital one, and the “Posies,” are sure to become drawing-room favourites.
* * *
Nursery Note Paper.—Marcus Ward & Co. have brought out a new shilling box of children’s note paper and envelopes, suitable for invitations to juvenile parties. Each sheet has a coloured figure of some old favourite, such as “Little Bo-Peep,” or “Cinderella.” This new collection of old standard celebrities should be very popular.
* * *
The Sea-Side Album.—Marcus Ward & Co. have published another high-class illuminated album, with the above title. It is full quarto size, and appears in several handsome and appropriate bindings. The illustrations are charming little sketches of coast scenery, chiefly gathered from the south of England ; but in their tasteful setting amongst shells and seaweeds they should take the fancy of lovers of the beautiful every where. The seaweeds are particularly well done, and with the elegant decorations in gold, and the rich bronze on the bevelled openings, combine to make the album one of the prettiest we have seen.
* * *
“Knocking.”—Neither Dr M’Duffnor the British public seem to be tired of writing and buying tiny text books of the “forget-me-not” order. Both “ parties ” may be congratulated on the appearance of this, the latest of the series. The pages are decorated with silver ivy leaves and sprays, and the book has been very tastefully turned out. These little books, we suppose, find more favour with the trade than more comprehensive volumes, as generally the full published price is obtained for them.
* * *
Wirth’s “L’Industrielle” Printing Press has long been one of the “felt wants” of the country stationer—one of his most pressing needs in fact, may now be supplied. This is nothing else than a small printing press or machine, on which can be printed visiting cards, memorial cards, note headings, labels, and, if lie has a large dispatch of newspapers or periodicals, the addresses on his newsbands.
These little jobs, which are of daily occurrence, have at present to be sent in to the large towns to be executed, and the whole, or nearly the whole, of the profit is expended in postage or carriage. Wirth’s “L’lndustrielle” printing press fills this gap admirably. It will answer for all the purposes we have named, and will print anything under a double large card in size. It is neat, light, and elegant in
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appearance, and, as will be seen by the preceding cut, is very like a lady’s sewing machine, and is just about the same size. It may be placed in any part of the shop, and can be wrought by a boy or girl. In addition to its other virtues, it is very cheap. We know several instances of stationers who having possessed themselves of one of these presses, cleared the cost of it in a few months. Geo. Stewart & Co. are the Edinburgh agents.
* * *
We have been shown some handsome examples of high-class bookbinding by Messrs M‘Kelvie and Sons, bookbinders, &c., Greenock. We used to think that books could only be properly bound in London or Edinburgh, but it is evident from what we have seen that our friends in the provincial towns can and do bind books as they should be bound—with elegance and taste. The Messrs M’Kelvie bind to the trade—a fact not sufficiently well known in the West of Scotland.
* * *
The Yellow Primrose has long been associated with Wordsworth poetry, but Messrs Eyre and Spottiswoode have found the cultivation of this pretty plant positively profitable. The Primrose Menu and Programme Cards are the latest novelties on which the flower is made to flourish. The menu represents a bouquet of primrose flowers and leaves. The cards, which are double, being neatly cut out in conformity with the shape of the leaves, and so arranged that sufficient back is left on to form a hinge. The inside faces are plain white dull enamel for printing in the menu. The programme card is similar, but of course, smaller, the flower being arranged on a single leaf, in the form of a button-hole bouquet. In these days when the primrose is held in high favour, and is the adopted badge of a strong and influential political league, we doubt not Messrs E. & S. will find their ingenuity and enterprise abundantly rewarded.
* * *
There seems to be no end to the production of cards of congratulation and good wishes—all more or less beautiful and instinct with real artistic merit. We are in receipt of new patterns of Private Birthday Cards by Messrs Baird & Son, Glasgow, which for simple beauty will have few rivals. This firm have certainly made themselves a name for the elegance of their card printing. Their designs are never elaborate, but always chaste and neat. The workmanship all that can be desired.
* * *
Messrs Ormiston & Glass have in preparation for the coming season a new edition of their “ Panorama of the Caledonian Canal—Oban to Inverness.” This very interesting book of views was published formerly at 2s. 6d., but the new edition—which will be issued in paper covers of appropriate design—will retail at Is. It will also be got up in cloth blocked, and in white-wood or tartan, retailing at 1s. 6d. and 2s. 6d.
* * *
Messrs Hildesheimer & Faulkner, of 41 Jewin Street, London, recognising the difficulty stationers have in keeping their stocks of birthday and other cards clean and free from dust, while, at the same time, making an effective display, have produced a show-case which answers the requirements admirably. It is strongly made and neat in appearance, and will
make a handsome ornament as well as be an effective silent salesman, wherever it is placed in a shop. It is fitted with seven drawers, containing a very complete stock of birthday and easter cards to the value of £3, 6s. 10d., usual nett prices, while the whole is offered—case included—by H. & F. for three guineas. We recommend this case to the notice of our friends.—See Advt.
* * *
Birthday, Wedding, &c., Cards.—Messrs Sockl and Nathan’s new book of patterns has been received. Specially prepared and designed for 1887, these cards will—and we say it without flattery—“be ill to beat.” There is not a pattern in the whole book which could be pointed to as out of taste. The book contains in all some seven classes, “Birthday,” “Wedding,” “Condolence,” “Modern Birthday,” “Easter,” “Scented Cushion Satin” Cards. These last satin cards, are most exquisite. The easter cards are sweetly beautiful, and of most appropriate designs. The “ modern ” birthday cards have a blank line for the autograph of the sender, and a splendidly printed chromo ornament on the corner. These private cards Messrs S. & N. claim to have been the first to introduce.
* * *
The Court Valentine Cards of the same firm form a very elegant and stylish series, and are at once lovely and loving. We trust these cards will be as popular as they deserve.
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[Jan. 1887
Blawearie; or, Mining Life in the Lothians Forty Years Ago. By P. M‘Neill, Tranent. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier.
This, the latest work by the literary miner-bookseller of Tranent—for, as appears from the preface, he was a miner before he was a bookseller —will, we feel sure, not be the least popular of his books. “The work,” says the author, “though in the form of fiction, is descriptive of real life,” and this is abundantly evident to the reader, the more so if acquainted with East Lothian. The story is told with the most refreshing simplicity, and this we think is its special charm. The character sketches are most admirable, being true to life, while the whole book is spiced -with conversations in the real East Lothian doric. The book is well printed on good paper, is neatly got up, and in the hands of such enterprising publishers its success is assured.
* * *
Lulu; or, Child-Life in Jerusalem. By Lydia M. Von Finkelstein. London: Offices of the Christian Million.
This is a story of children written for children, and is dedicated to the children. The story, which is said to be true, is very interesting, and is told in such a sweetly simple way that the youngest may understand it. As a Sunday-school reward book it ought to be popular.
* * *
The Housewife: A Practical Magazine Concerning Everything in and about the House. London: Offices of the Christian Million.
Volume I. of this magazine—just completed—will doubtless be considered an acquisition in the homes where it is possessed, and would be a valued gift to many young wives. Its contents are very varied, and range over all subjects interesting to the ladies of the household. The papers are practical, lightsome, and often amusing. The magazine will certainly be a help to many, and deserves to be widely known.
* * *
Photo-Engraving and Photo-Lithography: A Practical Manual. By W. T. Wilkinson, Otley. London : England Brothers.
This is a most useful as well as interesting book to the printers, either letterpress or lithographic. Indeed, we might almost say this book is a necessary part of a printer’s outfit. So many and various are the uses to which now-a-days photo and zinco-engraving is applied, that a knowledge of the process is a great advantage. The subject is treated in this volume most exhaustively; and so minutely and plainly are the instructions given, that the printer who may have the time and inclination may with little exertion produce his own blocks. Mr Wilkinson has long been an authority on the subject, and the processes described and the recipes given in this volume may be thoroughly depended on. “The book has,” says the preface, “been the subject of many anxious experiments, and everything herein printed may be relied on as thoroughly workable.”
* * *
The Leith Year-Book and Almanac for 1887. Leith: William Nimmo & Co.
This useful annual has again made its appearance, and is as full of information as ever. To all who have dealings with Leith, this almanac must be almost indispensable. In addition to the usual dates, tide tables, &c., all the public boards are described, with list of members. The publication is well worth the trifling sum it is published at.
* * *
Oliver & Boyd’s Almanac.
This is the jubilee year of the re-issue of the Edinburgh Almanac in the more ample form in which the present generation knows it, and of the re-christening of it by the name it now so worthily bears. Such an interesting epoch in the history of this old and excellent publication has been fittingly turned to account by the publishers to still further increase the usefulness of the Almanac. 150 years ago the Edinburgh Almanac contained only 16 pages. By 1787—100 years since—it had grown to 192 pages. It was most respectfully inscribed to the Magistrates of Edinburgh, the Right Hod. John Grieve being then Lord Provost; and in the earlier pages the information concerning the arrival and departure of stage’ coaches and carriers from Edinburgh, and the table’ of fairs for hackney chairs, bulks considerably. It may serve to emphasise the different conditions’ under which business is conducted this New Year as compared with what it was a century ago, if two1 figures taken from the Almanac of that date are given. The first is, that over 120 carriers’ carts or waggons left Edinburgh every week for various parts—one waggon being announced to leave Mrs Gibson’s, Grassmarket, every Thursday for London, Leeds, Manchester, and Newcastle ; while 18 distinct stage-coach routes are also given—four of these to London. In 1887 the number of pages of information was 512, with an advertising list of 108
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pages more. The current volume now contains 1126 pages, with a Western Supplement of 326 pages and an advertising list of 102 pages. The Almanac has been steadily increasing in bulk from year to year, and was beginning to lose somewhat in symmetry. To remedy this defect, however, the present issue has been printed on a larger size of paper, accompanied, apparently, by a partial resetting of the Almanac; while the familiar red glazed calf cover has given place to a cloth binding of a somewhat lighter hue. The number of extra pages this year as compared with last is 94; And the Almanac is well entitled not only to its old name of the “ Scottish Register,” but to its more compendious designation of “National Repository,” for little if anything worthy of record in such a publication has escaped the sweep of its net. As usual, the publishers have been able to notify, if not in the body of the work, at least in an errata page on the back of the title, the most recent changes which have occurred during its passage through the press. In this page, for example, we find Lord Randolph Churchill’s resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer duly recorded. In looking over the pages of the Almanac one cannot but be struck with the extent and variety of the information it contains. All departments of statistics (national and local, civil and ecclesiastical) receive due attention. A very valuable part of the work is an abstract of the Acts of Parliament passed last year affecting Scotland. Of these there are 28, as compared with 24 in the previous year. Carefully prepared abstracts are also given of the leading cases in the Court of Session which involved points of general interest and practical importance. In the House of Commons’ lists a great improvement has been made in printing the names of the constituencies in bold black type. The whole information is arranged in a thoroughly systematic manner, and with the excellent indices which it contains, the Almanac is one of the most admirable books of reference published.—Scotsman.
Mr George Clowes of the celebrated printing and publishing firm, died at his residence, Oakhill, Surbiton, on November 3d. He had reached the age of seventy-two, having been born in 1814. He was educated for the bar, but his father’s business having grown to such an extent, and offering a good field for his energy, he joined his father and brother William in the management of the printing business, which grew under their fostering care until it became one of the largest in the world. Mr Clowes married, in 1837, the eldest daughter of Charles Knight, in whose schemes for the diffusion of knowledge he took a great interest. He ever took a prominent part in all that concerned the printing trade. He was a member of the committee of the Master Printers’ Association, having succeeded his father in that position. He was also a member of the Royal Institution, the Geographical Society, Society of Arts, &c.
Mr Alfred James Waterlow, senior partner in the firm of Waterlow Brothers & Layton, Birchin Lane, Cornhill, died at his residence, Great Doods, Reigate, on November 30. He was born 19th June 1815, and was thus in his seventy-second year. He became partner in his father’s business—where he had served his apprenticeship—in the year 1829, becoming senior partner at his father’s death. The deceased gentleman was well known and greatly respected in the City of London. He was a member of the Common Council, representing Cornhill, a position he held from 1857 till the day of his death. He held many public offices, being a member of the Land and Income-tax Commissions, a member of the Court of Lieutenancy, and a magistrate for the county of Surrey. Sir S. H. Water-low, Bart., is his younger brother.
On the 3d ult., Mr T. C. Jack, publisher, Edinburgh. With the death of Mr Jack a busy and successful life has passed from among us at the comparatively early age of 57. The son of an Edinburgh printer, he served his apprenticeship with an Edinburgh bopkseller, and has been all his life more or less intimately connected with the bookselling trade. About ten years ago he established the Grange Publishing Works, and about four years afterwards acquired the old established business of Fullarton & Co., which he incorporated with bis own. The Grange Publishing Works—which are now very extensive—issued some very important works, especially the “Globe Encyclopaedia,” in 6 vols.; “The Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland,” a work of great merit, and a valuable book of reference; and several others of lesser note. The Scotsman, in a notice of Mr Jack, says:—
“It was, however, in his capacity as secretary of the Chamber of Commerce that Mr Jack was best known. This office, to which he was elected in 1872, when he was an accountant, brought him into contact with the leading merchants of the city, by whom he was held in high esteem. He Was a man of excellent business ability and sagacity, and conducted the secretarial affairs of the Chamber in a singularly able and successful way. He was in many respects a model secretary. He knew the
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[Jan. 1887
value of time to those who attended the meetings of the Chamber; and he always put the business before them with a clearness and conciseness which indicated that it had received from himself beforehand conscientious consideration. From his place at the table of the Chamber he will be greatly missed……
“For many years Mr Jack was a deacon in Augustine Congregational Church. For several years past he was clerk to the church, in all the schemes of which he took an active part. His name was more particularly associated by his fellow members with the Sunday schools, in one of which he was joint-superintendent. This position he filled with great acceptance, his genial disposition and sunny temperament making him a great favourite with the children. An upright man of business, a good Christian, fonder of embodying his religion in practical works than of unnecessarily parading it, and a capable citizen, Mr Jack’s removal while yet he was in the prime of life, will be deplored by all who knew him.”
Mr Duncan Cameron, bookseller, &c., Aberfeldy, died on the 5th ult., aged 72.
Books Published in 1886.
In accordance with our custom (says the Publishers’ Circular), we present to our readers an Analytical Table of the
On the last occasion we had pleasure in remarking that the almost universal depression of trade did not seem to have affected the production of books. This year, as the reader will observe, the total number shows a decrease of some four hundred books. As the preparation of a volume in many cases is spread over a considerable space of time, it may well be that the stagnation of business has made itself felt, but we are pleased to notice signs of a revival, not so much in the production of books as in the selling of books. At the same time, the increasing number of magazines and newspapers which is presented for a reader’s attention must unquestionably exert an influence, and the newspapers often give such summaries of new works, and extracts from them, that a lazy man seems almost absolved from going to the books themselves.
The Analytical Table is divided into 14 Classes ; also New Books and New Editions.
Theology, Sermons, Biblical, &c.
Educational, Classical, and Philological
Juvenile Works and Tales
Novels, Tales, and other Fiction
Law, Jurisprudence, &c.
Political and Social Economy, Trade and Commerce ….
Arts, Sciences, and Illustrated Works
Voyages, Travels, Geographical Research
History, Biography, &c.
Poetry and the Drama
Year-Books and Serials in Volumes .
Medicine, Surgery, &c.
Belles-Lettres, Essays, Monographs, &c.
Miscellaneous, including Pamphlets, not Sermons …..
1885 New Books
1885 New Editions 211 119 142 240
43 109
106 46 10 71
74 35
1886 New Books
1886 New Editions 136 114 55 214 15
32 46 43 68 33
3 57 351 59
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A RECORD of the progress of Trade in the various branches of the Stationery, Bookselling, Printing, and Fancy Goods Trades.
“The Stationery Trade Review ” is the only Journal in the Trade published out of London.
Whole Page………..£2 12 6
Half do……………1 11 6
Third do…………..1 3 0
Quarter do…………O 18 6
No Canvassers are employed to solicit Advertisements, which should be sent direct to the Publishers—
Jas. Denholm & Co, 18 Elder Street, Edinburgh
’86 has passed away, and ’87 has already begun to run its course.
The year just gone will be remembered as a dreary one—from a trade point of view. How many have lived on faith these last twelve months? Faith in the “good time coming,” we feel sure, has kept a good few heads above water. “Signs of improvement.” were eagerly looked for, and the smallest were recorded in our journals from time to time, but not until the year was wearing to a close were these “signs” ever visible, except to those who were, so to speak, stationed at the masthead. Many, however, could not wait, but had to bow before the inevitable, and the list of bankrupts for ’86 exceeds—far exceeds—the black list of ’85.
It is pleasing to note, however, that the predictions of these far-sighted prophets are being verified, as the trade reports for the closing months clearly show. In both imports and exports the improvement is most satisfactory. Some trades have remarkable results to show, notably in cotton goods, where the increase on exports was for November 26-1/4 per cent. The silk and woollen manufactures are also greatly improved. Machinery, iron, and steel are most hopeful. The prospects of trade in America are now very decided, improvement being everywhere reported. The American railways are very prosperous, and will be largely extended and developed this year. The American exchequer is full to overflowing. For the year ending June last the surplus revenue over expenditure was 18-3/4 million sterling, and this year it is expected to be quite as large.
But while this is so, we regret there is little improvement in the trades we are principally interested in. The paper trade has been for the whole year very so-so, and prices have been lower than ever. It is thought, however, that the bottom price has been reached, and that now mills may be able to run again at a profit. While the amount of business done during this year has been nothing to boast of, manufacturing stationers (at least in the northern part of the country) have mostly been well employed, although, owing to the very low price of paper, the prices obtainable for large contracts have been small. Printers generally have been very indifferently employed throughout the whole of the past year, if we except a month or two at the end, while the bookbinding trade has been very depressed. Indications are not wanting, however, that a better state of things has already begun, and the stationery trade will again, as it has done before, forget the sorrows of the past in the joys of the future.
In 1887, we trust, The Stationery Trade Review will continue to receive from the Trade the same hearty support it has enjoyed for some years now. Since its establishment six years ago, the circulation has steadily increased year by year till now. There are very few stationers in Scotland, at least, who are not on our list of subscribers, while our friends in England, Ireland, and the Colonies keep on increasing. While we have specially to thank our advertising friends for their support during the past, we have the satisfaction of knowing that the results of advertising in our pages have been most encouraging. It will be our aim in the future, as it has been in the past, to make our Review as popular as possible among the members of the Trade, by making it an interesting and useful medium for the introduction of new goods, &c. to their notice.
On entering the new year, we beg to tender our most hearty thanks to those of our friends who so regularly contribute to the interest of our magazine in Local Notes, &c. And although it is often the case now, as it was when Tannahill felt constrained to write—
“Thanks is but a draff-cheap phrase
Of little value now-a-days.”
we offer our thanks not as a mere civility, but as feeling greatly indebted for the valuable assistance so steadily rendered to us. That our friends will accept of this acknowledgment of our obligations to them—though so poorly expressed—we doubt not, and we on our part unfeignedly wish them, one and all—
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A good deal of money was, as usual, circulated among the stationery, as well as other trades, during the Christmas season.
From all accounts I hear, this has been a very good season, although, perhaps, less of the better class cards have been sold.
Hand-painted cards are not the rage they once were, and even private cards have not been so popular as was expected.
Those whom you would suppose would go in for that style of expressing their Christmas feelings find suitable material in a 6d. packet of 25, or a 1s. packet of 50; and they find they can do it in a wholesale fashion at a very small charge.
Some of the packets contained really good cards, and their inspection did not improve your stock of 3d., 4d., and 6d. of the “latest novelties” in the eyes of your customer.
One old lady customer of one of our stationers was determined on a good bargain. He advertised 60 for a 1s., and after she had diligently picked for about half an hour among his better class cards, she thought she had about the required number, and politely asked his assistant to “coont foo mony she haid!”
We depend more on the last week of the year for lightening our stocks of books, bibles, and fancy stationery; but whether the sales have, in all cases, come up to our fond expectations is a different matter.
Trade has been in a very languid state during the most part of the year, and money can’t be over plentiful, at least among the working classes. We will hope for better things in 1887.
The great English holiday, Christmas, is past, but it seemed to be unattended, to some extent, with that hurry and bustle which in times gone by was felt all round. Possibly, however, it may be that we are now-a-days so methodical in our arrangements that bustle is not necessary; anyway I hear good accounts from both retailers and wholesale men. The former having been visited by a goodly sprinkling of buyers, while the latter booked good orders.
Christmas goods were inquired for very freely, and games appear to have enjoyed a large share of public favour. Messrs Lowe & Willetts and Setten and Durward were busy for some time in this line.
Cards were again popular, and were met with at every street corner; the penn’orths being larger than ever, while most of the urchins took up the cry, “I only charge for the envelope, the cards you get for nothing.” A new political card was issued by Tippetts—“peace and unity”—representing the chiefs of the Liberal and Conservative parties rowing in the same boat, and containing some good sketches of Lord Salisbury and Mr Henry Matthews, both of whom acknowledged the receipt of specimens.
Another store, situated in New Street, specially devoted to the sale of Christmas cards, had as an attraction, a young lady playing selections on a pianoforte from time to time.
Several other “to let” shops about the town blossomed with attractive displays of Christmas cards, and most of them seemed to be driving a good business.
It was in the suburbs that the least life was found; here, except at a few favoured establishments, Christmas cards were simply a dead letter. I was in conversation with a stationer out Handsworth way, and he was lamenting the dearth of customers, although his window had been attractively laid out with several decent examples of the current year’s patterns, the advent of a purchaser was an exceedingly rare occurrence, and he declared that if he could once get rid of the stock he then held, he should certainly not dabble in Christmas cards again.
By the way, I noticed fewer drapery houses handling cards this season, apparently some few have burnt their fingers.
There is no doubt but what the packet and gutter business has pretty nearly ruined the sale of ordinary lithographed cards; people won’t buy singly when they can get about fifty for 7-3/4d. Those stationers who want to do a trade, must stock such cards as are out of the ordinary run, even “fourpence in the shilling discount,” which is the bait offered by some stationers won’t be sufficiently tempting to induce the general public to purchase ordinary commonplace goods.
Autograph cards are growing in favour, and there is every chance of their ere long being accepted as the most fitting either for friends or relatives. A Mr. Lee, of Birmingham, brought out some stamped brass cards mounted on plush, which retail at 1s. and 1s. 6d., but I don’t think the sales have been very heavy, at any rate one shopkeeper I know would have been glad to sell his shilling ones for sixpence.
The stationery case makers have nothing to complain of, I think, most of them having had a fair share of orders. At Mr Downing’s factory the workpeople have been at high pressure for some time past, and some very heavy orders for his new season’s specialities have been turned out.
The pencil-case people, too, are busy, both Vale & Son and A. H. Woodward having plenty of orders in hand. Mr Woodward’s new system of
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carding has taken the Trade by storm, and the demand is great. A plush case is certainly a very pretty stand for pencil cases, and helps along the sales. Another method of carding which is carried out both by Mr Woodward and Messrs Vale is also not without effect. A pencil is seen on an enamelled card, in the centre of which is fixed a strip of coloured velvet, which shows up the pencils so carded in all their glory.
The arrangements are now complete under which Messrs Vale, in conjuncion with another Birmingham firm, will be the sole licensees of Birch’s Patent Watch-key in Great Britain. This is an article which stationers should sell freely, but which, owing to the demoralised condition in which some people have put it on the market, is not in such favour as it might be. How that the manufacture is in the hands of Messrs Vale (who, by the way, were actually the first introducers of a key to wind any watch), this key can be depended upon. Purchasers will, however, do well to note that each is marked “Birch’s Patent.”
It goes without saying that the pen manufacturers of the hardware metropolis are keeping their hands fully employed. At Mitchell’s, Gillott’s, Brandauer’s, Leonardos, Hinks, Wells & Co.’s, etc. etc., orders are not lacking. I notice Mr Leonardt has received more foreign honours.
Messrs Myers & Son of Charlotte Street have removed their London warehouse from Cammomile Street to the neighbourhood of Finsbury, I believe Ropemaker Street.
While at the Cattle Show held here during the early part of last month, I was rather surprised to see Messrs Smith & Co., a firm of pencil-case makers, with a stall. The case, I noticed, was the same as they had at the Industrial Exhibition, also held in the same hall, but it seemed to me decidedly out of place among cattle foods, spices, and the like.. In close proximity to Messrs Smith’s stand, a London firm had pitched their tent, and here a young gentleman who had evidently graduated on the Cheapside pavement, was holding forth on the merits of copying-ink pencils. His patter was really amusing, and to watch some of the country yokels as he showed them how to transform lead into ink, was a perfect treat.
The stationery trade of Edinburgh during December is generally spoken of as disappointing. Of course, the expectations may have been pitched too high, and larger stocks of fancy goods laid in than, as has been found, the demand warranted; but still, taken all over, the trade has been fairly good, and grumblers find it difficult to stand cross-examination on the point. There seems, however, to be no doubt that the ordinary card trade has met with a check, the private cards having become so fashionable among the upper ten, who formerly bought largely from the stocks of the stationers.
The trade in presents in the more expensive articles of fancy stationery was this season, as usual, greatly interfered with by “bazaars,” “fancy fairs,” &c., got up for all sorts of charitable—ay! and uncharitable—purposes. These bazaars are fast becoming a nuisance. Not only are the local tradesmen expected, and through circumstances enforced —mildly, perhaps, but still enforced—to contribute from their stocks toward the success of the “fair,” but they often loose a whole week’s trade while the swindle is proceeding. Even this might be endured for a time if, when the executive committees of these bazaars have money to spend in buying articles for sale, they patronised the local tradesmen, and so helped to reduce the stock which their show would in a measure stop the sale of. But that is not the plan adopted. When goods have to be bought, some large wholesale house in some distant town, say London or Birmingham, gets the benefit.
The printers in Edinburgh were all well employed during December, some of the larger offices being exceedingly busy and full of work. This briskness has, however, largely disappeared with the year; for since the advent of 1887, the trade has been only usual.
Bookbinders have been, as a rule, very quiet— much more so than is customary with them at this time of year. A very considerable number of men are idle in this branch, some have even been compelled to seek employment outside their trade.
The new morning paper, The Scottish Leader, bids fair to be a complete success, nor is this much to be wondered at. One morning paper in a city like Edinburgh in these days of electricity and push was, to say the least of it, phenomenal.
“The year that’s awa’” will not, we fear, be remembered as a red-letter year by the shopkeepers of Glasgow. Many, indeed, will have reason to mark 1886 in figures distinctly black. Yet notwithstanding the comparatively blank record of the past year, we are very hopeful of the year we have now entered, the prospects of work being much brighter in the factories and shipyards than has been the case for some time past. Since the year began, certainly the retail trade have had a very dull time of it, even the gentlemen of perennial smiles—the commercials—are looking, just a little downcast.
While this is the state of affairs among the shops, we are glad to learn that some of the larger manu-
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facturers in our own trade are fairly busy. Messrs Collins, we bear, are full of work, and Messrs Marr, Downie, & Co. are also fully employed. The energy and enterprise displayed by this firm since its establishment a few years ago is remarkable. They have now permanent showrooms both in London and Edinburgh.
The Christmas and New Year trade was, for the short while it lasted, very good, some shops doing better than ever before. This was specially the case with those who made a feature of private Christmas cards. Mr W. Lyon, of Sauchiehall Street, and Messrs Baird & Son, of Kelvinbridge, were exceedingly busy.
The Exhibition is expected to be, as in the case of Edinburgh, a great draw. We trust our expectations may be fully realised. The fact that it will be conducted much on the same lines as the “Edinburgh International,” and that it will be under the same manager—Mr Hedley—goes far to assure success to the undertaking.
From what I can learn and see, the general Christmas trade has not been so brisk as usual; probably folks have not so much to spend as before. And though one shop may acknowledge increased sales of Christmas cards, yet the others have to bemoan a falling off as compared with former years. The drapers have much to answer for this, as they still go in for the cheap packet trade. The better class of customers, however, do not patronise them, as they know the worth of those cards “ at 25 for 6d.” The book trade seems to be going more and more to the large towns, where large buyers congregate ; no one else will shortly have a chance—certainly no bookseller in a small town, They will soon have to add smallwares and patent medicines to their stock to eke out a living.
This year, like last, the public in Inverness left off their Christmas purchases till within a very few days of the 25th, with the result that the rush, such as it was, only lasted a short time. There was a good run on the private cards. The general impression seems to be that the “flat” cards are slowly going out, and we think it would be a good thing for the stationer and bookseller if this should prove to be the case; and if we were to get back to the older system of supplying more useful articles to be given as presents at the festive season. The present system fairly disorganises ordinary business during the Christmas season. We find the favourite Christmas books—illustrated—to be “The Land of Little People,” “All Round the Clock,” “Christmas Roses,” “Season Songs,” and Caldecott’s picture books. All these are popular, and have gone off well. During Christmas week we were considerably handicapped by a church bazaar. As usual with such things, it kept people from purchasing articles for presents in the shops; and many of our regular customers did not put in an appearance for the usual supply of Christmas gifts. Some wholesale house provided a large supply of Christmas cards for sale in the bazaar. We may find out who it was before orders for 1887 are due to be given, and it may effect the order sheet of said house.
The last two months has been a very busy time in the London Bookselling Trade. The Trade sales alone put a considerable strain on all engaged in a bookseller’s establishment. The entire stock has to be gone through, and the sale orders carefully adjusted to complete the stock of each publisher’s productions. Then the disposal of the immense and varied assortment of new books, w hen they come in, is often a task of considerable difficulty in consequence of the often limited space at command in most of our London book stores. All this entails a vast amount of work, as booksellers well know, and coming, as it does, just at the time of year when business revives, it tends to keep the personnel of an establishment in a state of healthy activity.
I think this Christmas season is quite up to the average of Christmas seasons of late years; of course there are grumblers, but can anyone recollect any season when there were not grumblers? Like the poor, they are always with us.
The number of books lately published is legion. Their enumeration alone would fill many pages of this journal. All I propose to do with regard to them, is to notice some of the leading features, and more especially to mention those works and series of works which are most in demand, and which consequently best repay the booksellers’ attention.
Cassells have started a re-issue of their world-renowned “History of England” in 7d. monthly parts. This re-issue, they say, will be enriched with a large number of new illustrations by eminent artists. This work takes nine or ten years to run its course, and each time it has been issued it has had an enormous circulation. It is over thirty years ago since it first appeared, and during that period more than three quarters of a million copies have been sold. The “Magazine of Art ” has always been full value for money, but from the commencement of the new volume it is to be still further improved by the addition of an etching, steel plate, or photogravure as frontispiece to each monthly part. The
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Christmas number of the “Art Journal” this year has for its subject “The Life and Work of Alma Tadema, R.A.” It is written by Miss Helen Zimmern, and is profusely illustrated with etchings and engravings. It has had a very large sale, as any really artistic production is sure to have now-a-days if well put before the public. Whilst speaking of Art Annuals, one must not forget “Le Eigaro Illustre;” this year it is really a splendid number, I think this is the fourth year that it has appeared, and undoubtedly the latest is by far the best production of the series.
Sir Francis Doyle’s Reminiscences, though a trifle too dear for the majority (16/, Longmans), has been a very successful book. It is interesting to read therein that Mr Gladstone, after carrying off” Doyle to hear the University sermon one Sunday, was discovered by the latter “sleeping the sleep of the just,” and this before the reverend gentleman above had reached his “thirdly.” One can hardly wonder that Doyle declined to be carried off on the next occasion, or at his answer when Mr Gladstone came for him, “No thank you, not to-day; I can sleep just as well in my arm-chair here as at St Mary’s!”
“Enquire within upon everything,” is now selling better than ever, and this, after nearly a million copies have been printed. Booksellers seldom give this book a prominent place in their windows, though it would be difficult to find another book that would so well repay exhibiting. I suppose the idea is that the book is so well known and so popular that it is sure to be asked for. This is true enough, but the sale could be largely increased if the book was put well to the front, and vigorously pushed. Window space is much more profitably occupied by books that people will buy, when their attention is called to them than when the shelves are filled, as one so often sees them, with rows of dull books that nobody wants.
Mrs Beeton’s “Household Management,” is another book that should never be lost sight of; it has a steady sale all the year round, and is much in demand about Christmas time. This book is extensively used as a cheap wedding present. It seems slightly suggestive of giving a lesson in domestic economy, but no matter, it is everybody’s business to give advice to newly married people, though it is often impertinent advice.
A very pretty little volume of the Canterbury Poets that has lately appeared, is “Sonnets of this Century,” edited, and with a critical introduction, by William Sharp. This has been one of the most successful works in this admirable series, but it is marred by a defect which the most ordinary editorial care should have rendered impossible ; it is full of misprints. The Spectator says “They are simply shocking.”
Murray’s Magazine has appeared at last. Its establishment was seriously contemplated by the late Mr Murray, in 1816, as we read in an extract from a letter to Lord Byron, and it appears in January 1887, inaugurated with a series of “Byroniana.” Judging from the first number, fiction will occupy but a secondary place in this new venture. With the exception of the opening chapters of a novel by the Hon. Emily Lawless, there is no fiction. The articles are of a somewhat solid character, giving the magazine a staid appearance, not unlike the old-established “Macmillan.” Whether it will be a success, remains to be seen. The public must decide that point. There ought to be room for a magazine of this class, and the name of the publisher is of course ample guarantee of high class matter and excellence of production.
Whitaker’s Almanack seems to increase in popularity every year. The demand this year has been greater than ever, and this in the face of an increase in price of the enlarged edition, which is noAV published at 2/6 instead of 2/ as heretofore. There is so much additional matter in the 2/6 edition that the public are beginning to reject the 1/ one as being imperfect. The Trade terms for this book are very stiff indeed, especially for the cloth copies. Selling it, as everyone does, at the full 25 per cent, discount, it must be confessed that it does not pay, nobody knows better than Mr Whitaker that “booksellers must give this discount, the public having learned to demand it as a right, and this being so, one cannot but wonder why he does not try to help them a little, by giving the ordinary sale terms.
“John Inglesant” having attained so much popularity, it is not surprising that a good deal of interest was shown in Mr Shorthouse’s new work, “Sir Percival” (Macmillan, 6/), which has already reached a fourth edition. It is, however, a very heavy type of novel, and would not be at all to the taste of the generality of novel readers.
The Official Illustrated Catalogue of the Academy 1886, is a really magnificient work, and amazingly cheap (Clowes, 21/). It contains a complete copy of the catalogue printed in red and black, and 150 full-page folio plates in typogravure of some of the principal works in the exhibition. These plates bear the name of Boussod, Yaladon, & Co., who are successors to Goupil & Co., of Paris, and like all the work of this firm, are splendidly executed. Another very fine work lately issued by Clowes, price 25/, is “Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition.” It contains about 100 illustrations, including 7 etchings; the binding is very handsome, embossed with an elegant Indian design. Both this and the previous work are eminently suitable for presentation.
Mr Walter Scott has issued the first volume of his new series of critical biographies of great writers. The volumes will be published monthly, at 1/ in
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cloth; and it is intended to form in this manner a tolerably complete history of modern literature. The authors chosen for this series are all well-known men, and there is no doubt that these little books will form very useful literary text-books. Professor E. S. Robertson edits the series. There will also be a limited number printed of each volume on large paper, with the object of forming a library edition. The binding chosen for this edition is exceedingly neat, and looks far superior to that of the 1/ vols. The price of the library edition is 2/6 per vol.—a marvel of cheapness.
This series of books is sure to be successful, and booksellers should do their best to secure a large clientele for the entire series, by a judicious distribution of prospectuses among their customers. The first volume is “Longfellow,” by the editor, to be followed on February 1st, by Mr Hall Caine’s “Coleridge.”
It is probably in consequence of the appearance of Mr Scott’s new series that Messrs Macmillan and Co. announce the re-issue of their popular “Englishmen of Letters,” in 1/ sewed, and 1/6 cloth, monthly volumes. The high appreciation in which these books have always been held is sufficient guarantee for a large sale in their new form. The first volume, “Johnson,” by Leslie Stephen, appeared on 1st January.
Many more books ought to be dealt with in some detail, but space is limited, and one must confine himself to a mere mention of some of the more prominent books of the last two months, such as Lord Tennyson’s new book, “Locksley Hall: Sixty Years After,” etc. (6/, Macmillan). The Hon. Hallam Tennyson’s “Jack and the Beanstalk,” with 40 illustrations by Randolph Caldecott, many of these illustrations are in an unfinished state, this being Mr Caldecott’s last work. “Our Home by the Adriatic,” by the Hon. Margaret Collier (10/6, Bentley), “Her Majesty’s Colonies,” compiled by A. J. R. Frendall (5/, Clowes), “London,” by the Rev. W. J. Loftie (3/6, Longmans), being the first volume of a series on historic towns. Professor Edward Dowden’s Life of Shelley, 2 vols (36/, Kegan Paul), “In the Wrong Paradise,” and other stories by Andrew Lang, Mr Ballantyne’s “Red Rooney” (5/, Nisbet), and his “Big Otter” (5/, Routledge). Charles Dickens’ Christmas Books, reprint of original editions, 5 vols. at 1/ each, these are very attractive little books, and have done exceedingly well, “Australian Pictures,” one of the Tract Society’s well known 8/ vols., “Boy’s own Annual,” and “Girl’s own Annual,” 8/ each (R.T.S.). These are splendid volumes, as usual, but are getting spoiled for the bookseller by the growing practice of underselling them. I believe the stores began it with these books. Two very pretty coloured books at 3/ each, by the Tract Society, are Mrs O.F. Walton’s “ Launch the Lifeboat,” and “Our Gracious Queen.” Messrs Blackie and Griffith, Farran & Co. have capital new books for boys and girls, which have been found very useful for presents and prizes.
On the whole the season has been prolific in good saleable books, but it is difficult to fix on any one book as so strikingly ahead of all others, as to be called the book of the season.
The weather here during Christmas time was very seasonable. The streets for some time being covered with snow, and the traffic partially stopped. Stationers and booksellers made a brilliant show as usual, with Christmas cards and new year gifts.
Both these classes of tradesmen alike complain of the drapers, and justly so; but grumbling won’t mend matters. Everyone who wishes to succeed must adapt his business to the exigencies of the time.
There was no lack of Christmas novelties in stationery and books. The Manchester Courier some weeks ago remarked that we should sorely miss Randolph Caldecott’s books this season; but instead of that being so, we were literally deluged with them. A few weeks ago his life was published by S. Low & Co. at 14s.; large paper, 21s. The latter is now out of print, and fetching 35s.
Macmillan has revised Irving’s “Old Christmas,” and “Bracebridge Hall,” illustrated by Caldecott, at 21s.; and G. Routledge has given us more graphic pictures by Caldecott.
Auld Reekie, nae doot, is interested in some other man, but Manchester honours the memory of Caldecott, seeing he spent some of his earlier years in the Manchester and Salford Bank in this city; and is said to have amused his brother clerks by drawing caricature sketches of customers who came to the counter.
Tennyson’s new volume is a bad egg. It is to be feared that booksellers will have a large stock left.
Two noteworthy local works appeared last month—“Annals of Manchester,” by W. E. A. Axon, and the “History of Owen’s College,” by Alderman Joseph Thompson.
Mr Cornish’s manager, Mr Wilson, has purchased Mr Yabsley’s business at Sale, where we trust he will have better health than he enjoyed in the city.
Manchester greets Auld Reekie, and wishes her brither Scots a happy and prosperous new year.
The trade in this district, for the last three months, has been better than was expected. October and November ran up, and gave promise of a good Christmas. December only began poor. The stormy weather, no doubt, interfering with the
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comfort of customers out of doors; but as the month advanced, things brightened up very much, and the end was very satisfactory, all things considered.
Considerable doubt has been in the minds of many during the year as to what would be the result of the Christmas card trade. Some declining to buy altogether on account of the severe competition that has arisen; but those who put spirit into it have been again rewarded with good sales at fair profits. For all the competition that has arisen, it is a pity that stationers and booksellers should slacken their efforts to keep it alive, and develope it. The want of spirit, and a desire on the part of a good many to get too much profit, has been largely the means of the trade getting into so many hands. I fear it will be a long time before we get anything so good to take its place.
The printers here, during the latter part of the year, have been better employed, and the outlook for next year is more hopeful than it has been for some time.
There have been few changes to chronicle during 1886. Trade has been bad, but our trade is a good one, and has a good future before it. The men who have applied themselves most have succeeded best.
Christmas has come and gone, and to our assists’ ants it must be a matter of intense relief. The amount of work during the past month, and especially the two last weeks of it, has taxed their energies to the utmost.
The shops have had a full display of cards since the beginning of December. There is one “new start,” who combines music and musical instruments with stationery. He had a fair show of cards—I am afraid there are too many at it; however, I wish him every success.
The packets of cards have been largely advertised by drapers and general dealers—even our local Co-operative Society, wishing to share in the plunder, added packets of cards to their stock. Some of these must have had their fingers burned with them. I am mistaken if they have not quantities of these packets to look at now that the season is over. It serves them right, too, for being so greedy. Our two local papers have been going the round of the shops, and giving the public the benefit of their peregrinations, under the heading of “Shop Displays;” only in the one case it was the advertisers who got the puff; the other, more impartial, gave their opinion irrespective of advertisements. I send you the two copies of the latter; you will see from my markings that our trade came in for a fair share of their remarks.
The card trade, for quantity, has surpassed any former year; but in monetary value I would say it was considerably under. This is easily accounted for by the immense quantity of packets in the market, and the limited demand for the more expensive cards. It would be difficult for me to say what style of card was most popular. The private cards were more in request. I think we should devote more of our time and attention to this style of card. Makers and compilers of pattern-books for our use have much to learn before the trade in this department reaches a climax. I offer you a few hints, which may be useful:—1st, begin the quantity at 12 instead of 25 ; 2d, let each pattern have a greeting printed on it; 3d, above every card let there be placed the different prices, instead of a list at the beginning or end ; 4th, (and this refers more particularly to publishers of cards) and for the printer’s benefit, in every set of cards keep the views, flowers, or whatever may be the design, all to the one side, and of same dimensions, so as not to interfere with the printing of greeting. I am sure printers must have been greatly annoyed by the different positions in say one set of Hildesheimer’s cards.
There are many other things which might be mentioned. I daresay some of your other correspondents will have suggestions. I would only say that every attention should be given to get suitable designs, combined with moderate prices, and there is every chance of a bigger trade next season.
Boxes of autograph cards went fairly well. Photograph not so much in demand. Hand-painted, and other fancy cards, such as the photos on opal, sold well. Anything above half-a-crown was very slow. I find the boxed cards—“Stevens’” and “Philip’s” —still in demand. I rather think that Philip’s had the best of it, in 1s. and 1s. 6d. patterns.
The new year trade was better than the same time last year. Small presents much in demand. The demand for new year cards is falling away, consequently there was not the same rush on Hogmanay. I think, however, that our customers are getting wiser now, and buy their cards earlier in the month, which has kept down, in a great measure, the rush that used to take place up till the latest on the 24th and 31st December.
The Christmas trade here has been fair—certainly nothing to boast of. There were hopes that the briskness consequent on the festive season might be such as to make up—in part, at least—for the disappointments of the past summer, but these hopes have not been realised. It is pleasant to note, however, that the booksellers and stationers here seem to be all prosperous, always some one or other of them altering or extending their premises
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Messrs Henderson & Sons have now got warmed in their handsome new shop. This shop is without exception the finest in the ancient city—ay! in the whole of the “kingdom” of Fife, which has many fine shops; indeed, there are few booksellers’ establishments in Scotland to compare with it. It is three stories high. The shop front up to the cornice above the windows, &c., is built of polished red granite—the upper stories of white freestone. Internally, the Messrs Henderson have been equally liberal, the fittings and decorations being both tasteful and substantial. The floor is laid with Roman Mosaic; the walls lined with, and the ceiling handsomely and elaborately panelled in wood. The windows are made air-tight, and are fitted with polished glass shelves. A “Wenham” in each window and one in the shop supplies the artificial light, and this with the most brilliant effect. A handsome stair at the back of the shop leads to the floors above, in the first of which the Messrs Henderson have placed their library. The architect was Mr David Henry, F.S.A., Scot., while the internal fittings were by Messrs Cumming & Sons, Edinburgh. The Messrs Henderson deserve great credit for their enterprise, and it is to be hoped their trade will increase in proportion.
At the Melbourne Exhibition there was a complete dwelling house made entirely of paper, and furnished with the same material. Walls, roofs, ceilings, flooring, joists, and stairways; carpets, bedding, chairs, sofas, and lamps ; frying-pans, and even the stove in which the fires were burning, were of papier machie. When the builder of this mansion gave a banquet, the cloths, napkins, plates, cups, saucers, tumblers, cruets, and even the knives and forks, were likewise made of paper.
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It is not often the avocations of printer, publisher, and poet are found united in one person. This, however, was the case with Theodore Aubanel, the Provencal poet, who died on the 2d inst. Horn at Avignon on March 26, 1829, he was the author of many successful productions in Provencal, amongst others a drama in five acts, produced at Montpellier, and will shortly be played in a French translation by M. Paul Arene at the Odeon Theatre in Paris.
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The Sultan of Morocco has 6000 wives. It is very annoying to him, after flirting with a pretty woman whom he casually meets, to find out that she is one of the numerous Mrs Sultan.—Boston Transcript.
During 1886.
The Book and Jobbing Department of the Printing Trade has, during the past year, been about the average, that is, while some offices have enjoyed considerable activity, others—and these we regret to say are by far the largest number—have experienced a protracted season of partial employment. So far as can be learned, there appears to be no falling off in the amount of work which is annually produced in the city; but the specific cause of depression, so far as steady and competent compositors are concerned, lies in the congested state of a large number of the offices through the mixed system of remuneration which so largely prevails, piece and settled wages, the superabundance of apprentices, and the introduction of female labour into the caserooms. The latter grievance has been the means of considerably augmenting the ranks of the unemployed of the trade, while it also is a species of labour with which the journeymen are unable to compete, as the remuneration paid to the females is scarcely one-third of the price agreed upon between the employers and the journeymen. The book department of the trade will never be in a satisfactory condition until this evil is either abolished or minimised.
We presume this is rather a dangerous and revolutionary question to ventilate in these pages but from the journeymen’s point of view, their more regular and remunerative employment can only be co-incident with the solution of this problem.
The news department experienced a year of unprecedented depression, due to the collapse of the Courant and Daily Review. By the cessation of these newspapers close upon seventy compositors were thrown out of employment; and as the area for newspaper men in Edinburgh is somewhat limited, a large number had to leave town to go to situations where the prospects were more encouraging than is to be met with here. Those who remained had to content themselves with what little could be picked up in the book houses. But all of them were not so fortunate even in this respect, as we understand there are cases in which some of them have not “ lifted ” a type for the last ten months. As an indication of the effect the collapse of the two newspapers already referred to has had upon the unemployed fund of the Edinburgh Society, we can only mention that the amount of benefit paid to unemployed members for the first nine months of 1885 was £65, 16s. 8d.; for the same period in 1886 it amounted to £127, 15s. 8d. The newspaper men have been the heaviest recipients from the fund. We are glad to observe, however, that the prospects
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for this section of the trade during 1887 are very-encouraging. A Radical paper, bearing the title of the Scottish Leader, appeared on the 3rd of January and as upwards of forty compositors have been engaged for the new venture, largely drawn from book offices, it is not too much to say that it will have a tendency to improve the general printing trade of the city. The earnest wish of all printers is that the Leader may be successful, and that it may also prove a formidable rival to the organ of misrepresentation and inconsistency which has so long held the monopoly of the city.
The Machine Department has been very brisk during the year. There is no diminution in the work which is done in Edinburgh for London publishers; indeed, to such an extent is this carried on that “farming” out from large to small establishments has to be resorted to in order to meet the clamouring demands of customers. There have been very few machine-rooms of any pretentions which have not been obliged to work overtime during some portion of the year, especially towards the close of it. In one instance a continuous run of three months was necessitated, the larger part of which was taken up in preparing “overlays” for extensively illustrated works. The prospects of this section are favourable. —(Contributed).
The Halfpenny Post
From paragraphs in the newspapers we hope something is being done to remedy the present unsatisfactory state of matters with reference to what can, and what cannot, be sent by the halfpenny post, as the situation is fast becoming intolerable, and the sooner an end is made the better. The way the Post Office authorities act in this matter would not be tolerated in any business house for an hour. They do not seem to know themselves what to allow, and in many cases what is allowed by one official is refused by another, and hence halfpenny documents passed at one office are declared illegal at another. We were recently told by one firm that their invoices were being regularly stopped and surcharged with the Id. postage unknown to them. On application to headquarters they found it was because the route by which the goods were sent was entered in a line by itself, and did not form part of the entry—“Per goods train in one case,” could not pass, but if invoiced “5 reams of C.L., 8vo, 300/23 in one case, per goods train,” it was all right. Surely this is the acme of hairsplitting, and unworthy of a great institution like the Post Office established for the benefit of the public.
Take also the manner in which documents are required to be put up, so as to be open for inspection. The rule is that the parcels are to be open at both ends so as to allow the contents to be withdrawn and replaced after inspection. The consequence is that documents have to be put up so loosely that they frequently escape in transit and are lost. The annual report of the Postmaster-General shows a yearly increase of articles found in the mail bags without any clue to their owners, and as long as the present system is insisted on this will go on increasing.
Our American cousins and the Continental Powers are ahead of us in this respect, and by a very simple adaptation of the ordinary Envelope (by tucking in the upper below the under lap) the packets are rendered secure in transit, and can be more easily examined by the Post Office officials. Halfpenny packets posted in this way outside of our country, and addressed to any one in the country are passed and delivered, but if posted in this country in this fashion, they are stopped. It then comes to this, that the Post Office authorities grant greater facilities to foreign letters sent here than they do to our own letters. Representations on this subject, and specimens of the envelopes allowed to foreign letters, and disallowed to us, were sent to the late Mr Fawcett when he was Postmaster-General, and he replied practically admitting the injustice, but stated that “at present” they did not see their way to adopt any other regulation than the open at “both ends.” That “at present” is now a thing of the past. Is it not time now to grant this small boon to those who furnish so great a part of the revenue, and who can so ill afford to increase their business expenses? Or, better still, are we not now within measurable distance of a halfpenny postage for half an ounce? That must come sooner or later.
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An Anaesthetic Bullet.—A German chemist has invented a new kind of anaesthetic bullet which he urges will, if brought into general use, greatly diminish the horrors of war. The bullet is of a brittle substance, breaking directly when it comes in contact with the object at which it is aimed. It contains a powerful anaesthetic, producing instantaneously complete insensibility lasting for twelve hours, which, except that the action of the heart continues is not to be distinguished from death. A battle-field where these bullets are used will in a short time be apparently covered with dead bodies, but in reality merely with the prostrate forms of soldiers reduced for the time being to a state of unconsciousness. While in this condition they may, the German chemist points out, be carefully packed in ambulance waggons and carried off as prisoners.
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[Jan. 1887
South American Newspapers
MONTEVIDEO, the capital of Uruguay, with a population of 125,000, has twenty-three daily newspapers, more than any other city in the world—three times as many as London, and nearly twice as many as New York. Buenos Ayres, the capital of the Argentine Republic, across the Rio de la Plata, has twenty-one daily papers for a population of 400,000. Other cities in South America are equally blessed, except those of Ecuador, Bolivia, and Paraguay, in which no daily newspapers are published. The South American papers are not issued so much for dissemination of news as for the propagation of ideas. They give about six columns of editorial to one of intelligence, publish all sorts of communications on political subjects, furnish a story in each issue, and often run history and biography as serials. One frequently takes up a daily paper and finds in it everything but news, so that last week’s issue is just as good reading as yesterday’s.
The principal reason and necessity for having so many newspapers is that every public man requires an organ in order to get his views before the people; and the editors are ordinarily politicians or publicists, who devote their entire time to the discussion of political questions, and expect the party or faction to which they belong to furnish them the means of living while they are so employed. Each of the papers has a director, who holds the relation of editor-in-chief, and a sub-editor, who is a man of all work, edits copy, looks after the news, reads proofs, and stays about the place to see that the printers are kept busy. There is never a staff of editors or reporters as in other countries, and seldom more than the two men. The director usually has some other occupation. He may be a lawyer, or a judge, or a member of Congress, and he expects his political sympathisers to assist him in furnishing editorials.
In the capitals of each of the Republics in Central and South America there are usually one or more publications supported by the Government for the promulgation of decrees, decisions of the courts, laws of Congress, and official reports, and usually the papers which sustain the administration that happens to be in power expect and receive financial assistance, or a “subvention,” as it is called. Every President or cabinet minister, every political leader, every governor of a province, every “jefe politico,” or mayor of a city, and often a collector of customs, has his organ, and, if he is not the editor himself, sees that whoever acts in that capacity is paid by the tax-payers.
Except in Montevideo, Buenos Ayres, Santiago, Valparaiso, Rio de Janeiro, and other of the larger and more enterprising cities, there are no regular hours of publication; but papers are issued at any time from eight o’clock in the morning until ten at night, whenever they happen to be ready to go to press. It seems funny to have yesterday’s paper delivered to you in the afternoon of to-day, but it often happens. As soon as enough matter is in type to fill the formes the edition goes to press.
The delight of the South American editor is a street fight; and, although an account of it may not appear for several days after the occurrence, the writer gives his whole soul to it, and it is always done up in the most elaborate and flamboyant manner. A literal translation of one of these articles begins:—
“A personal encounter of the most transcendent and painful interest occurred the day before yesterday in the street of the Twenty-fifth of May, near the palatial residence of the Most Excellent and Illustrious Senor Don Comana, member of the Chamber of Deputies, and was witnessed by a grand concourse of people, whose excitement and demonstration it is impossible to adequately describe.”
A dog fight or any other event of interest would be treated in the same manner; everything is “transcendent,” everything is “surpassing.”
The compositors are not paid by the thousand ems, as in this country, but weekly wages, and seldom get more than 8 dols. or 10 dols. a week. Six or seven compositors is a sufficient force for the largest office, as the type used is seldom smaller than brevier, and is more often long primer. It piles up very rapidly. The printers are mostly natives, although a few Germans are to be found. There is no typographical union or other trade organisation in South America.
In the larger cities the papers are delivered by carrier, and are sold by newsboys in the streets, but in the smaller towns they are sent to the “correo,” or post-office, to be called for like other mail by the subscribers. The price of subscription is inordinately large, being seldom less than 12 dols. a year, and often double that amount; and single copies usually cost ten cents in native money, which will average about 7-1/2 cents in American gold. The paper with the largest circulation in South America is La Nation of Buenos Ayres, which is said to circulate 30,000 copies. But 1200 or 1500 copies is considered a fair circulation for the ordinary daily. Most of the offices are very cheaply fitted up. A dress of type lasts many years, and stereotyping is almost unknown. The presses used are the old-fashioned elbow-joint kind, such as were in vogue in the United States forty years ago. In Chili and the Argentine Republic there are some cylinder presses run by steam, but the people generally throughout the continent are very far behind the times in the typographic art. Modern equipments might be introduced very easily, but the printers
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down there know nothing about them, and when a perfecting-press that folds and cuts is described to them, they are apt to accept the story as a North American exaggeration.
The advertising patronage is very good nearly everywhere, particularly that of the Government organs, but small rates are paid, and the rural system of “ trading out ” is practised to a considerable extent. The most popular names for newspapers in South America are La Revista (the Review), La Nation (the Nation), La Republica (the Republic), La Tribuna (the Tribune), La Libertad (the Liberty), La Voce (the Voice), La Union (the Union), El Tiempo (the Times), El Diario (the Diary), El Eco (the Echo), El Correo (the Post), El Pueblo (the People), La Verdad (the Truth).— New York Sun.
“We had recently the honour of inspecting.”—
Scene.—A Paper Mill. (Enter Proprietor, with Paper Trade Journalist.)
P. T. Journalist.—“Things are going to the dogs, sir. There is not one mill in the kingdom worked on proper principles. The Germans, sir,— the Germans are sending over thousands of tons of paper to this country, simply because—because the English keep up their traditional policy, and refuse to move with the times. Now in the Paper Trade Humbug I have endeavoured to show——”
Proprietor.—“ We have now come to the yard, and will enter at the other end.”
P. T. J.—“Ha, hum; I don’t approve of having one’s rag boilers open in this fashion, y’ know; great risk of dirt.”
Proprietor.— “I beg your pardon, sir; those are settling ponds.”
P. T. J. (a little disconcerted).—“Eh, what! Of course, of course. Good joke of mine; ha, ha ! But, as I was saying, you will find in the Paper Trade Humbug of last issue—-”
Proprietor.—“These are the rag boilers.”
P. T. J.—“Heh? What, these? To be sure. Admirable principle, solidly built, and so on. Do you use chloride of lime, or ultramarine, to boil your rags with, because—”
Proprietor—“ No, we don’t use either. These are the breakers and beaters.”
P. T. J.—“Yes, of course. What’s rumbling inside this box? The roll, you say? Of course, of course. Let me advise you, my dear sir, as one having some knowledge of these matters, always to have your rolls covered with brass, this prevents sticking to the what’s-its-name; and put safety valves on the rolls—cylinders—rolls I mean—all the same, because an explosion—”
Proprietor,—“I don’t understand what you mean. There is no question of steam in beater rolls.”
P. T. J.—“Excuse me, sir; but, I have some knowledge of these matters, and in the Paper Trade Hum——”
Proprietor.—“This is the paper machine.”
P. T. J.—“Excellent sheet. Do you waterleaf it at one end, and hang it up to dry at the other ? Always chalk your tube rolls. The stuff chests should never be allowed to run dry, because light weights would probably—and, by-the-bye, could you give me your opinion on the merits of sulphite—wood-acid—I forget for a moment; but, at any rate, in the Humbug of last week you will find—-”
Proprietor.—“ I cannot say. There is only the Finishing House to see now, and–”
P. T. J.—“I will inspect that. I see this paper is water-marked. Now, in a water-marked paper, great care must be taken in the a——. One moment, I hardly recollect. I mean it is a matter of the utmost importance, my dear sir, to carry out these things properly, and I will explain to you.— (Left explaining).—Paper Record.
German Trade with Spain
The “Board of Trade Journal” has the following, quoted from the “Moniteur Official du Commerce,” upon the energy which the manufacturers of Germany are displaying in pushing their trade with Spain.” From Germany, handsome volumes in the Spanish language are sent broadcast through Spain. These volumes contain music, engravings, and various other popular attractions, but they are really collections of advertisements, setting forth the merit and cheapness of German goods in the most attractive form. This species of enterprise, according to the Barcelona correspondent of the “Moniteur Official,” is successful to an extraordinary degree.”
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Southern (American) women take kindly to journalism. Over fifty are connected with newspapers of the South, and on the third of next month they propose organising a Southern Woman’s Press Association.
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A Wealthy merchant of London recently celebrated a novel kind of golden wedding. Having been a faithful reader of two or three London newspapers for a period of fifty years, he invited the proprietors to a magnificent banquet. The host stated that the perusal of newspapers for fifty years had been the most agreeable distraction of his long life.
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[Jan. 1887
Commercial Travelling in Canada
Several of our Scottish Commercials have been “doing” Canada recently and the following observations by one of them may be of interest to those at home:—
The hotels of Canada are very large and imposing, covering a great space of ground, which, of course, is not so costly as in the old country. In the hotel life, there is more equality than here. In the dining-hall of the chief house in Ottawa, the capital, for instance, commercial travellers and farmers occupy the same place with Members of Parliament and other leading men of the Dominion, and the charges to commercials are quite as low as in our hotels at home. Every one registers his name in the hotel book immediately upon entering an American hotel, and a list of arrivals appears in the local newspapers each morning.
There is no commercial room, and there is an absence of the social element in American hotels which is such an important and pleasant feature of our life on the road in this country. If you say “ good morning ” to anyone there, or offer the most ordinary remark about the weather, you are stared at as if you had taken an unwarrantable liberty and made a very serious mistake. Canadian commercials endure a kind of solitary confinement. They live in their own bedrooms, which serve for sample rooms and for writing rooms. They have always to light their own gas and provide their own slippers, altogether there is a great want of homeliness, and not very long ago it was necessary to brush one’s own boots.
The dining halls are spacious and grand, and every one who comes in to dine seems to endeavour to look as large and as grand as he possibly can, in order to fill up the space. The meals are a serious undertaking and admit of no levity and very little conversation. A waiter has ever an eagle eye upon you—except when you happen to require his services. You are expected to order about a dozen different dishes on faith, and half of what an average American orders, is generally sent back cold. The cooking in many cases is very inferior—quality is lost sight of—not in quantity but variety. “I had no idea I was so well fed at home until I came out here,” was the remark of one of our old countrymen.
At breakfast, however, one particular dish has always the first place, no matter where you go— from Nova Scotia to California—all over the States and Canada, and that is oatmeal porridge.
It has the place of honour on board Atlantic steamers, at railway refreshment rooms, and at all hotels. “ Tastes differ,” as the Scotsman said to the Frenchman, “Some likes parritch and some likes puddocks.” We confess to a preference for the porridge. Teetotalism, at the dining table at least, seems to be almost universal. Tea, coffee, and iced milk are served with every meal.
The difference between travelling in summer and winter in Canada must be very great. Whatever the winter life may be, that of summer is not so pleasant as it is with us in Scotland. The heat is often excessive, and seemed to be more felt by Canadians than by new comers. There is no twilight and the evenings are very dark. After the day’s business is over, there seems nothing to do but to loaf about the doors of the hotel. A long walk seemed to be out of the question. The streets even in the small towns are lighted up by the electric light, which was, by-the-bye, the discovery of a Canadian.
“With regard to railways,” says one, “I shall never forget my first day in an American train. The novelty of the carriages and of the country kept me in constant entertainment. It was called an accomodation train, and it is very accomodating. It never was in a hurry. Before starting, the guard always shouted, ‘All aboard, all aboard.’ Above the engine is a huge bell, which is rung by the engine driver on approaching or leaving a station. It is as big as a church bell and I seemed to feel that I was breaking the Sabbath to hear the solemn thing tolling away wherever we went. The guard looked as big and important as a bailie. The special function of an American guard is to go about among the cars, slamming the doors as if he wanted to shatter everything into a thousand pieces. The cars are seated for about forty, and are entered by the rear (like the Pullman carriages), but you can stand on the outside platform and look about you for an occasional rest. Inside the cars you notice the passengers struggling in vain to make themselves comfortable, long-legged men trying to arrange their six-feet into graceful attitudes on 24-inch seats, for the seats are all short and it is impossible to get a stretch upon them.
“I only saw two bridges crossing the railway in all my journey through Canada. Everywhere were level crossings, and the train often goes meandering through the chief street of a little town, regardless of shops and sheep, gardens and children, with all which, it comes often into the closest proximity.”
America is said to be a free country. In some respects it strikes a stranger as being far from free. To say nothing of the protective tariff, which is a great check to business, one or two minor things are heard of with horror by newly arrived commercials. In certain towns in Canada everyone is liable to pay a duty or license before he can do business. In Quebec, for instance, you cannot show samples or solicit orders without first paying a license of 80 dollars, or £16, and there is an official whose duty it is to enforce this fine, and who has power to arrest anyone he can catch trying to evade it. The
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payment covers one year’s transactions, and the tax yields a pretty handsome sum. In St John’s, New Brunswick, the license is £4, and this is about the average price of the imposition, the tax being a relic of the old French law. There is not a little excitement in entering these taxed places and doing trade without contributing to the town’s revenue, but it is done every day in spite of the detective and his spies.
The American system of checking baggage has been very highly praised, but it did not impress me favourably; it is slow and inconvenient. Some of its best features have been adopted by the Midland and the London and North Western Railway Companies. To me it seemed a very cumbrous arrangement, especially for commercial travellers who live on the railway. If you carry any weight of luggage you must be at the station half-an-hour before train time, in order to have each box checked and invoiced, and the elaborate system seems to break down at. the critical point. When baggage goes astray there is great trouble in tracing and recovering it. There is no lost property office. Instead of putting a plain label with the name of your destination on your box, you get a brass cheque with a very high number such as A597819, a duplicate is attached to the box, but it is entered into the railway book by a totally different number, and the writing down of a single wrong figure may set the whole lot astray.
At home we know luggage is very rarely lost, and the railway people will take any amount of trouble and telegraph all over the line for any missing luggage. American travellers won’t trust their boxes unlocked on the railways. We do at home, and we never hear of theft. Our guards and porters here are beyond suspicion.
The American porters never by any possibility try to lift a trunk. Their entire system is one of rolling or tumbling the luggage; they treat a box as if it were a barrel. Unless your luggage consists of a strong box the railway people won’t check it at all. You can’t get a guard there to take paper parcels into his van.
Then about the Associations, our Canadian brothers are far ahead of us in this respect. Upon producing a ticket of membership of one of the Canadian associations, commercial travellers have the privilege of travelling first-class at two cents a mile instead of three cents like the general public. They are allowed double weight of luggage, and they have what we want so much in the old country, “home return tickets at a single fare.” Members of the associations pay about £2 a year, and besides the railway privileges they have the advantage of an Accident Assurance Policy and special cheap tariff in the hotels.
The concessions granted by the railway companies have proved of great advantage not only to commercials, but to the railway companies themselves.
“The Central News”
Nothing is more significant of the public thirst for news, and the endeavour made by newspaper proprietors to meet and profit by that desire, than the complete arrangements made for the early transmission of intelligence, and the lavish expenditure indulged in to secure this object.
The prospectus and tariff of the Central News Company, Limited, for 1887, which has been sent to us, enables us to see how remarkably full and accurate reports of everything which can interest readers may be obtained, at a cost within the reach of the most remote and humblest newspaper in the country. From the certain, fixed, and moderate tariff, (increasing and decreasing according to fullness or frequency of intelligence), a small newspaper proprietor may calculate exactly what this portion of his daily or weekly issue will cost, and he has the satisfaction of knowing that the news in his paper is as authentic and fresh as that of the wealthiest journal.
Every description of reports are embraced in this tariff—general news, Parliamentary, exchanges, markets, meteorological, gazette, miscellaneous— and from the full, complete, and almost verbatim report to the weekly brief, costing a mere trifle annually.
The skill with which these reports are prepared and wired, the amount of intelligence which is “ boiled down ” into the fewest possible words, excites our wonder and admiration. This “shorthand ” kind of literature is the child of the present, born of the electric telegraph, and is evidently calculated to supersede the old and ponderous literary style of our fathers of the Johnsonian and pre-telegraph times. The experts employed on these reports must be men of great ability, and to them newspaper proprietors are indebted. And the results are almost miraculous. Recently the result of an English race was being sold in a half-penny newspaper in the streets of Edinburgh, three minutes after it was won. Altogether this document throws a flood of light on the inner working of the world of newspapers, and is an index to the wonderful competition induced by a desire of an insatiable public for the “ Speecl-deeshin, sir.”
* * *
Proposed International Exhibition at Glasgow.—Mr W. Murray Cunningham, writer, Glasgow, has been appointed secretary of the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1888, Mr Robert Brown, shipowner, Glasgow, has been appointed treasurer, and Mr H. A. Hedley, of the late Edinburgh International Exhibition, manager. The guarantee fund is expected to reach £300,000.
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International Shorthand Congress
The shorthand men, who have so much to do with other people’s public gatherings, are about to hold a Congress of their own, and it promises to be a large and important one. Next year is to be their annus mirabilis, commemorating as it will two interesting events in the history of their art, viz.:— the introduction of Mr Pitman’s popular system of phonography just fifty years ago, and the origination of modern shorthand by Dr Timothy Bright three hundred years ago. This double celebration— Jubilee and Ter-centenary—will call together large numbers of the shorthand fraternity throughout the world. There is to be a Congress in London lasting several days, when discussions will take place in reference to the history, development, and practical application of the art; and there will be an Exhibition of books, manuscripts, and other objects of interest, not only to the reporting craft but to a much wider circle. A fund is being collected, which it is hoped will be a considerable one, to meet the expenses of the Congress, to promote the interests of shorthand generally, and to provide an enduring memorial of the services of Mr Pitman, the inventor of phonography, who still lives, in a green old age, to witness the success of his efforts in placing the stenographic art on a scientific basis. The Congress Committee, a list of which is before us, includes not only the names of many of the well-known shorthand practitioners (Mr T. A. Reed being the chairman), but the names of men of great eminence in science, literature, and politics. The important role played by shorthand in the history of civilised countries will give the Congress an interest beyond that usually attaching to a merely professional gathering.
Cheap Newspapers
[From the following, taken from an American journal, it would appear that a fight is going on between the id. and Id. newspaper. The experience of this old fashioned country is that a penny is cheap enough for your morning, but a bawbee is enough for the evening, diet of news.—Ed.]
The era of cheap newspapers has evidently come to stay for good or bad. For many years it must be a cheapness at the expense of excellence, and what will eventually come of it, is seen in different lights by different people. The downward movement has been continued by the Philadelphia Times, which dropped from two cents to one cent a short time ago, stating that the growing cheapness of paper made the reduction possible. The Times now gets paper for four cents, while it had to pay eleven cents a pound twelve years ago.
It is a singular fact, that while a majority of the editors and publishers are opposed to cheap newspapers, they keep on cutting down prices. George W. Childs of the Philadelphia Ledger objects in this way:—“Low-priced newspapers depend for success chiefly on the assumption that the advertiser should pay all the cost of production and the reader little or none. That isn’t equitable. It isn’t good business policy. It isn’t square. There is no reason why newspapers should be expected to give people more than their money’s worth. It never has occurred to me to make the Ledger a one cent paper, but rather to give its patrons more and more for their money—in fact, the very best that two cents can buy anywhere. Why, I raised the price of this paper from one cent to two. It had been losing 100,000 dols. per year before, but I made it pay after the first month. I never have regretted that action, though it was opposed by my predecessor and most of my newspaper friends. I believe in paying the highest salaries for real ability. I don’t want cheap men. Cheap newspapers mean cheap men. Expenses have been enormously increased. White paper is cheaper, to be sure; but every other item of expense is doubled or quadrupled. My first contract for white paper was at 25 cents per pound. Now it is between four and five cents. The cost of gathering news has quadrupled. Another thing—I do not believe that a reduction in price ever very largely increases circulation. Of course, it adds some readers, but nothing like the number expected.” Mr Child’s opinion is that of nearly all the most successful publishers of good newspapers.
Newspaper Illustration
Since the introduction of cuts in daily newspapers has become so regular, different methods have been pursued to quickly reproduce by means of photography any important daily incidents. Reporters frequently carry small cameras, such as the vest camera and others, with them, and often capture on the sensitive plate accurate views of the subjects they are interested in. The method now pursued in one of the largest offices is to employ a special photographer, who developes immediately the sensitive plate as soon as it arrives; then in a wet state places it in a magic lantern, and projects the negative image downward upon a large sheet of paper placed on a table, at which is seated an artist who quickly sketches over all the light portions with his pencil; these portions fortunately are those which need to be reproduced in black lines. From the enlarged sketch, after it is inked and embellished, reduced electrotypes are produced by the usual process of photo-engraving rapidly.—Boston Transcript.
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Etchings for Amateurs
In these days when almost every article of stationery is embellished with art, in some shape or other, is it not surprising that the interesting Art of Etching, which produces such beautiful results, is so much neglected ? For cards of all sorts, Christmas, Easter, Birthday, Memory, Menu, Programmes, or even Notepaper and Envelopes, how much more tolerable a fairly executed etching would he than most of the hand-painting with which stationers are afflicted. “Hand-painted,” say the artful producers of the artless production, “All done by hand,” and this fact is supposed to silence criticism. Where is the stationer who has not had his tact and temper sorely tried in dealing with the fair “Artists” in card-painting? They come usually with an introductory note, or are personally introduced by some- customer whom one would not readily offend, and so the unfortunate stationer is often tempted to praise with his lips what his judgment condemns. Hand-painted! why, if it could he said the work had been produced by the foot, the cards might sell as curiosities, and few would be inclined to question the truth of the fact or even be surprised at the “feat.”
But it is to our Artistic brethren in the Trade— and there are several known to us who have already made for themselves a name and fame in the Fine Arts—whose attention we desire to draw to the art of etching, believing that by acquiring this accomplishment they might possibly increase their business and enrich themselves. Anyone who can draw or sketch—and this is, of course, indispensable—can produce an etching, with a little practice; the results will both surprise and delight. For the benefit of the young members of the Trade who may have the leisure and desire to try, we reproduce from an old number of the Lithographer the modus operandi for etching a copper-plate. “The necessary materials are the etching ground, or composition for coating the plate, the composition for surrounding the plate, the stopping-out varnish, the dabber for equalising the ground on the plate, the acid for etching the plate, and, lastly, etching needles, a graver, burnisher, and scraper. The etching ground can he bought at any shop that supplies engraver’s tools, and is generally composed of wax, asphaltum, gum mastic, and resin, mixed together over a fire in such proportions as not to make it too brittle or too sticky, and for summer it should be harder than for winter operations. For the stopping-out composition you may use Brunswick black, and the composition for surrounding the plate, whilst being etched with the acid, is just the •ordinary shoemaker’s wax. The dabber, or pad, for flattening the etching ground is made out of a piece of soft leather, filled with rag or cotton wool, and in shape something like an old-fashioned printer’s dabber, and in size not larger than the palm of your hand, with these you are armed; and now you proceed. Having procured a well-cleaned plate, take a piece of the etching ground composition, tie it up in a piece of fine silk which acts as a strainer in case of dirt getting amongst it. Holding the plate by one corner with a pair of pliers, gently heat the under surface over a candle, at the same time applying the etching ground tied up in the silk over the heated plate on its upper surface. After this, and while the plate is somewhat warm, but not so warm as to burn your composition, or else you will make a signal failure in your etching, take the leather dabber and flatten the ground equally all over, so that it presents the appearance of having been painted with it. When the surface is thus completely covered, smoke the ground well over the candle, again heat the under surface, and again apply the dabber until the whole face of the plate is a nice dead black. This is requisite in order that you may see your work clearly when drawing in. The thinner the etching ground is put on the better, as the lines, shading, foliage, &c., will then be clearer. The plate simply requires to be well protected in certain places from the action of the acid, and a very thin film will do this. If your design is a drawing in pencil on paper, damp the back of the paper, and gently burnish it down on to the plate, or what is better, get it passed through the copper-plate press, or you may trace it down with red transfer paper on to the ground, always bearing in mind it must he the reverse you trace down. You now proceed to draw with your needle points,—which points should be of different degrees of fineness—this done you will notice the etching on the copper by its glittering appearance. Care must be taken in using the etching needle that you not only remove the ground and expose the copper, but scratch or cut the copper slightly, for by so doing you allow the acid to operate more freely than on the polished surface of the copper. Of course this must be done regularly, else you will not have regularity of biting with the acid. Your etching being done, take the composition for surrounding the plate, and build a wall round the plate to about half-an-inch high, making at one of the corners a little escape lip or spout, then mix a weak solution of nitric acid for biting in the sky or extreme distances, as well as the half tints. Experience alone can teach the strength of the solution, and the time required for biting in. Keep moving the acid to and fro on the plate whilst biting with a feather: this keeps the lines clear as the biting process is going on. After allowing a reasonable time for biting pour off the solution, wash the plate two or three times with cold water, and gently dry it with clean cotton wool,
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avoiding all contact with grease. I should have said, before beginning to bite with the acid you should put a few test lines on the margin of your plate with the etching needle ; having done so, you may remove with a scraper, or a touch of turpentine, the coating of ground over these lines, and examine with a glass if the etching be sufficient, that is to say if the lines are deep enough etched, if not, return the solution to the plate and allow more time for biting. If it be sufficient, varnish or stop out with your stopping-out composition the sky, extreme distance, and half-tints. This very soon dries and protects those parts from any further action of the acid. Now add fresh acid to the already used solution to strengthen it, and proceed exactly as before, allowing a little longer time for the middle distance, and so continue till the picture is satisfactorily etched in, then finally remove the wall of “wax or composition surrounding the plate, and carefully wash with turpentine. You will now find the etching somewhat rugged or rough in appearance, this is what engravers or etchers call the “ burr,” and this is got rid of by a gentle scrape with the scraper, or burnished with the burnisher. If it is found that some of the outlines w’ant sharpening you must then have recourse to the graver.
American Trade.
A Review of the Business of 1886, and the Outlook for 1887.
The business prospects and outlook of our American cousins having such an immediate and important effect on the business of this country, we think the following able and clear article, taken from “Geyer’s Stationer” of January 6, will interest our readers:—
In taking a review of the past year, we are forcibly struck by the steady improvement in the industries and financial aspects of the country. This is the more encouraging because the advance has been general in all branches of trade, and gradual. No special trade can claim that it has had a boom, but the tendency in all cases is upward.
Perhaps the greatest improvement can be noted in the iron trade, whose indications of increased life, given towards the close of 1885, have been fully realised, the production and consumption of the past year being the largest in the history of the country. The difference in the production of iron and Bessemer steel between the years 1885 and 1886 stands thus: 1885, 6,656,802 tons against 9,300,000 tons in 1886 ; and notwithstanding this, our importations of iron and steel are considerably in excess of those of 1885. The capacity of iron furnaces has increased over 40 per cent, during the past year. There has also been built 7500 miles of railroad in 1886, as against 3131 in 1885, with a natural corresponding increase in the conveyance of passengers and freight, the development of fresh districts, and the extension of new industries. To this great increase in railway building the increased prosperity of our steel and iron industries is Plainly due. The shipment of coal also has been largely in advance of any previous year.
Exports of wheat have been unusually large, and, whilst we have two millions of bushels on hand more than at this date last year, owing to our bountiful harvest, it must be borne in mind that the stock in Great Britain is less than half of what she held at that date, and that the other corn-producing countries have much less to supply; consequently, as the year progresses, we shall find ourselves in a position to control the wheat market.
With respect to the shipping interest, the returns are also satisfactory, the aggregate movement of merchandise, exports, and imports of the whole country for the year 1886 were 80,000,000 dols. in excess of 1885. Home productions and importations have both largely increased during the past year, whilst much less stock remains on hand than faced the market at the opening of the year.
As regards home consumption, statistics show that whilst both production and consumption are considerably on the increase, the price of nearly all staple foods are lower, and, owing to a favourable season, of unusually line quality. The question of cheap and good bread is one of the first importance, and with that we have been this past year most liberally supplied.
In the purchase of real estate the business done has been quite unprecedented, showing a superabundance of money seeking investment. In the city of New York alone there has been invested in the past year 300,000,000 dols., and more than four thousand new buildings have been erected.
The business of the Stock Exchange is slightly in advance of last year, though not to any remarkable degree. In 1885 the sales of stocks amounted to 92,141,056 shares, whilst in 1886 they stand at 100,308,367 shares. These figures in themselves do not indicate any particular influx of activity, but the temper of the dealings were throughout in accord with the continuous improvement of business throughout the country. There have been, of course, speculations in soil and securities, which have fluctuated considerably, and there have been times when we have exported gold and others when it has come into the country in large amounts; but there never has been any period when the industries and general advancement of the country has met with any really serious check, or when we have failed to increase our consumption of both foreign and domestic products; as evidence of this we give
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the export and import figures of the two last years. Exports during 1885, 698,249,412 dols.; in 1886, 706,916,825 dols. Imports, 1885, 587,551,606 dols.; in 1886, 657,167,117 dols. No comment is needed on this.
During the last month the expansion of the currency has been a noticeable feature, the amount of silver certificates has increased 10,800,000 dols., of gold certificates 5,300,000 dols., of legal tenders 4,300,000 dols., thus giving a total increase in one month of more than 20,000,000 dols. The most favourable feature in this, lies in the fact that the increase has been chiefly in paper of small values, which is always understood to exercise greater influence upon prices than larger notes. This month is one of the largest money interest periods of the year, and millions of dollars will be disbursed as interest and dividends. Treasury interest payments aggregate 9,318,180 dols.
If further confirmation were needed of the increase in prosperity given in the year 1886, and of the flattering prospects of the new year, we shall find it by turning to the list of failures during the past twelve months, and contrasting them with the previous year. Towards the close of 1884 an improvement was noticeable, but in 1885 it is marked, not only by decrease in the number of failures, but also in the amounts. The total number of failures in the States and Territories was, in 1885, 11,116, representing liabilities to the amount of 119,120,000 dols., as against 10,568 failures in 1886, with liabilities amounting to 113,648,000 dols.
In looking over the detailed particulars of these failures, we are agreeably struck by the fact that the number of stationers upon the list is remarkably small, and we congratulate our many friends to whom we wish a Happy New Year on this pleasant and encouraging fact. We learn from the trade generally that, whilst orders come in with unusual briskness, money was never so plentiful; the majority of customers preferring to discount their bills. This mode of doing business is always satisfactory, for while it inspires confidence, it means sure if smaller profits. Business conducted on this basis is safe to prosper.
Trade at one time seemed to be seriously threatened by the labour party in the direction of strikes, but a better feeling seems now general, which we trust the present year will strengthen to the lasting advantage of all parties. From pig-iron to envelopes, from ocean to ocean, the outlook is the most encouraging we have had for years.
* * *
The next volume in the “ Eminent Women ” series will be “ Mrs Siddons,” by Mrs A. Kennard, to be followed by Madame de Stael, by Bella Duffy.
The Song of the Printer
CLICK, click
Goes the type in the stick,
As the printer stands at his case;
His eyes glance quick, and his fingers pick
The type at a rapid pace;
And one by one as the letters go,
Words are piled up steady and slow—
Steady and slow,
But still they grow,
And words of fire they soon will glow;
Wonderful words, that without a sound
Traverse the earth to its utmost bound;
Words that shall make The tyrant quake,
And the fetters of the oppress’d shall break.
Words that can crumble an army’s might,
Or treble its strength in a righteous fight.
Yet the type they look but leaden and dumb,
As he puts them in place with his finger and thumb:
But the printer smiles,
And his work beguiles
By chanting a song as the letters he piles,
With pick and click,
Like the world’s chronometer, tick! tick! tick!
O, where is the man with such simple tools
Can govern the world as I?
With a printing press, an iron stick,
And a little leaden die,
With paper of white and ink of black,
I support the Right, and the Wrong attack.
Say, where is he, or who may he be,
That can rival the printer’s power?
To no monarchs that live the wall doth he give:
Their sway lasts only an hour;
While the printer still grows, and God only knows
When his might shall cease to tower !
American Government Securities
The American journal, The Paper World, says “One of the last official acts of the late Secretary Foiger of the United States was the signing of an order adopting a new system by which the steel plate securities of the Government are printed on a steam rotary press. Several of the presses are now in operation in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the postal notes are also printed on one in New York. The steel plate remains fixed upon the surface of a cylinder, on which it is curved, and while one revolution of this plate is made it is inked, wiped off and polished, and a sheet of eight postal notes with stubs, covering a surface equal to twelve United States Treasury notes is printed, counted, and delivered. During this process one inch of clean cloth that passes over the wiping and polishing apparatus is fed into the machine, and a corre-
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sponding amount of soiled rag is taken up. All this is done automatically, and the labour of but one person is required to feed the press, and an average of twenty sheets per minute can be printed, making a total of 10,000 daily. It is the first press on which steel plate printing has ever been successfully accomplished. One of the important advantages from curving the plate never before attained is the elongating of the engraved lines. If a true circle is drawn on a plate, and an impression taken from it, it will be found to be exact. But when this plate is curved over a cylinder and an impression taken it is no longer an exact circle, but slightly an ellipse The “ Coney ” man would find it still more difficult, if not absolutely impossible, to duplicate the engraving when curved as explained. This is an important advance, and the sooner these plate printing presses are at work in this country the better, if we wish to retain our hold of the best class of bank note and copperplate work. The attempt to print the finest writing and ornament from surface blocks on the type machines, however skilfully done, can never equal engraved plates, and these presses seem to solve the problem of speed and economy, combined with the excellence of plate printing.”
How Newspapers are to Succeed
The newspaper of to-day must stand or fall solely on its own merits. Its circulation and its value to business as an advertising medium, like the quality of its contents, are practically visible to the whole intelligent reading public, and it is judged by other considerations than regulation figures of copies printed or boastful references to its literature. Whether many or few read a public journal of any popular pretensions, is as well known to the public as it is to the publisher; and whether intelligent and thrifty people are its readers, or whether the idle worshippers of licentiousness most welcome it, is always justly judged by all whose favour is of value to legitimate journalism. The successful newspaper of to-day and of the future is the public journal that trusts the intelligence of newspaper readers.—Philadelphia Times.
[We wish this was quite the case. How many newspapers are supported by the intelligent and thrifty? We would like to know.—Ed.]
* * *
An official return of the manufacture of playing cards in England shows that at the present time there are 19 manufacturers in the United Kingdom, each paying a license of 20s., and producing last year 800,000 packs. Half as many more were imported from Austria and America. The stamp duty on those cards last year amounted to nearly £15,000.
International Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1886
We learn that the Executive, having taken eminent legal advice on the question of giving medals to the successful competitors, find that they have no power to spend any part of the funds in this manner, as, according to the constitution of the company, any surplus has to be devoted to some public object. While this must be a disappointment to the Exhibitors, there is no doubt that such a large sum as £4000, which we believe is the amount estimated as the cost of real medals, can, if properly applied, be of much public service. Why should an “Exhibition Fund” not be instituted, for the purpose of assisting Local Exhibitions in the smaller towns throughout the country ? We are satisfied Exhibitions of local industries held in this manner would have a powerfully stimulating influence on trade, and help to raise the status of the more remote places, as well as bring together all classes of the community in friendly rivalry and intercourse. The interest of the surplus of the Edinburgh Exhibition would form a valuable fund to assist such Exhibitions, which could never be expected to pay in themselves.
The Diplomas for these medals are now being distributed, and in point of design and execution they will bear favourable comparison with those of previous Exhibitions. They all bear an impression of the design of the medal, in gold, silver, or bronze, as the case may be, and when framed, form a handsome and effective picture.
We have had an opportunity of inspecting the five Diplomas gained by Messrs George Stewart and Co. The effect of so many grouped in one display is very striking. The place of honour is occupied by their Diploma for the Gold Medal for Sealing Wax, of which they have special reason to be proud, gained, as it has been, on the first exhibition of their manufacture of this article, in the city which forms the chief seat of the manufacture of sealing wax, and after severe and independent tests, as mentioned in our last issue.
The Physique of Books.
The main thing is the contents of a book, says an editorial writer for the Boston Herald, but much of the enjoyment that grows out of its use belongs to its physique, to its typography, to its paper, to the treatment of its margins, to the style of binding, to the harmony that subsists between its outside and inside, to the understanding on the part of the bookmaker of the relation of the real to the ideal in literature. When books were first printed, the most exquisite skill of the age was employed in their manufacture and decoration. It is a delight to the lovers of first editions to turn back
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to the old folios, to the black letter page, to the ancient binding, to the variegated margins and other decorations, and there are many signs that bookmaking in both England and America is again commanding the thought of artists, and that their physique is being more carefully accommodated to their contents. The Elzevir and the Aldine editions are greatly sought for because they were among the first attempts in later times to make books attractive by the use of type and paper in artistic ways, but in our own day there has been a clean advance upon the issues of the Chiswick and the Aldine press.
The works sent out by several of the great printing houses in England surpass easily the best bookmaking of fifty years ago, and the satisfaction of it is that the public is educated to demand these better made books, and that the publishers often lavish upon cheap editions the careful and fine work which was once reserved for only the choicest publications. The Macmillans are not the only English house that to-day distinguishes itself for work of a superior character, though they stand, perhaps, first in efforts to place finely-made books in the hands of the public at a reasonable price. The issues of the Clarendon press, the printing house of the Spottiswoodes, the books published by David Douglas and by the late James Maclehose are illustrations of a style of work for which there cannot be too much praise.—The Paper World.
[Bravo, Edinburgh! where Macmillan’s books are printed by R. & R. Clark and Douglas’s by Constable. Glasgow can have Maclehose to itself.—Ed.]
New Advertising Mediums
A few smart advertisement canvassers may hear of something to their advantage by applying to the Right Hon. the President of the Board of Trade. Advertisements are wanted for “The Board of Trade Journal,” which affords a splendid medium for merchants and manufacturers to extend their connection in the colonies and foreign countries, at the expense of sundry journalists and proprietors of trade periodicals already engaged in a like mission.
We understand that the Prime Minister has let the entire frontage of his official residence in Downing Street to Messrs Willing & Co., the well-known advertisement contractors.
It is understood that the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s have declined Messrs Treloar’s offer for the dome of the cathedral, which they have resolved to put up to public tender.
It is stated on good authority that the Master of the Mint has let the reverse side of all the silver coinage to be issued during the current year to the proprietor of Pear’s soap. Messrs Wyon are now engaged in engraving the necessary dies.
A W.O. Circular announces that Lord Wolseley has been compelled to raise the scale of charges for advertisements in his “Soldier’s Pocket Boole.” Paragraph advertisements in the body of the work have also been advanced to ten guineas per line. The circulation is guaranteed by H.R.H. the Commander-in-Chief.
At a recent conference of the delegates of the Oxford University Press, and the syndics of the Cambridge Press, it was resolved to accept a limited number of advertisements in all editions of the Bible issued by the two University presses. The Queen’s printers have also signified their intention of adopting a similar course. The Archbishop of Canterbury and many of the bishops cordially approve of a plan by which the cost to the public of editions of the Scriptures will be considerably reduced. The scale of charges will be fixed by a committee of the Lower House of Convocation.
The President of the Associated Chambers of Commerce has just received a letter from the First Lord of the Admiralty, announcing that all Her Majesty’s ships of war proceeding on foreign stations will in future carry samples and price lists of British manufactures at the uniform rate of £22, 10s. per ton measurement. Samples and price lists of foreign manufactures will be carried at half price.
The South Kensington authorities are about to issue a sumptuously illustrated volume, entitled “ The History and Development of Patent Medicines.” The work will be edited by Sir Robin Goodfellow, K.C.B. Advertisers in the forthcoming volume will be entitled to free admission to the conversazione held in June, and a personal introduction to H.R.II. Prince Henry of Battenberg, whose services have been engaged for the occasion. —The Bookseller.
* * *
The Parsons Paper Company of Holyoke, Mass., has just issued a very handsome sample book of its line of “ Scotch linen ledger and record papers.” In the manufacture of ledger papers the Company has built up an enviable reputation, their paper standing A1 in the paper market. In the manufacture of “Scotch linens,” only the best of stock procurable is used, the paper being made in the celebrated “ Mt. Tom ” Mill, owned by the Parsons Paper Company, thoroughly equipped with improved machinery, and devoted exclusively to the production of the highest grades of paper.—American Stationer.
[A high compliment is paid to Auld Scotland in the adoption of the following name for paper by an American firm of paper makers. It would be curious to know how much Scotch linen is used in the manufacture of the paper that goes by this name.— Ed.]
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Fight Over Waxed Paper.
Those who have noticed the glossy, prepared tissue paper used by confectioners in which to wrap their sweetmeats; by butter men to surround the product of choice creameries; by florists to protect natural flowers, to preserve their freshness, or may be for enclosing drugs, &c., and for many other uses, doubtless are aware that the article referred to is “wax” or “paraffine paper.” It may be safely premised, however, that not one in a thousand knows that the manufacture and sale of this article in this country is a gigantic monopoly of a New York firm, says the Boston Herald. The amount of money annually involved in the business is estimated at not far from 2,000,000 dols. The profit in carrying on the manufacture is figured at 75 per cent., and from this can be comprehended the immense income realised annually by the monopolist.—The Paper World (American).
A “Novel” Book
We hear of one of the most curious books in existence, which belongs to a German lady residing in Manchester. It is two hundred years old, and its pages are two feet in length, and nearly as much in width. She does not carry it to church every Sunday a contemporary says, as she cannot find a boy to hold it for the necessary distance. At the top of each page is a line in red ink which, being translated, reads, “This is a history.” The work contains many very primitive illustrations. To prevent the encroachments of time, this old lady preserves the precious volume, by keeping it carefully stowed away in a flour sack of the largest calibre. It is only brought out on rare occasions, and few have had the privilege of turning the leaves of the valuable heirloom, which has descended to its present owner by a succession of family wills. —The Queen.
An Ingenious Printer
A most ingenious member of our craft was he who, at Prague, had to do the printing of the report of the Board of Trade of that Metropolis of Bohemia. It was to be printed in the languages of both the nationalities of the country, the German and the Czech or Bohemian, but as the two peoples are most sensitive in regard to the pre-eminence of their language, both wanted to occupy the first column of every quarto page. This the ingenious printer managed to contrive. He placed the two columns, of course, side by side, but always one in an inverted sense, that is, one turned upside down through the whole report. Then he printed two titles, one at each of both outsides, also putting one upside down, so that the reader could begin the book wherever he liked, every language having a front page where the other ends.—The Printers’ Register.
They arrested a printer recently in New Jersey for carrying concealed weapons, because he happened to remark carelessly that he had got a shooting-stick in his pocket. The justice of the peace, after vainly trying to cock the weapon, let the prisoner go off, as the piece wouldn’t.
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Everybody says, “Oh! it will be all the same a hundred years hence.” We should like to see the man who believes it.
* * *
An editor’s hair shot right up on end the other night, when a large cockroach arose to the brim of the paste-pot, and hoarsely inquired, “Have you read my new poem on spring?”
* * *
The determination not to be beaten lies at the bottom of the soldier’s exploits, and a good deal of other cutting work.
* * *
“Ah, parson, I wish I could carry my gold with me!” said a rich man, who was dying. “It might melt,” was the consoling reply.
* * *
The next strike we want to hear of is against the “Duffer.”
* * *
The Lowell Courier claims to have evolved a new palindrome—that is, a sentence that reads the same backward as forward. “No, it is opposition.” A palindrome in actual use is the sign, “Yreka Bakery.”
A new and revised edition of “ Cassell’s Universal History ” will be issued in monthly parts—the first part end of January.
* * *
The Messrs Cassell will also begin at the end of the month a new serial work by Dr Robert Brown, F.R.G.S., E.L.S. It will be illustrated with coloured plates and numerous woodcuts.
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A new edition of “Men of the Time” will be published this month by George Routledge & Sons. *
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The author of “A House of Tears,” a tale which has reached a fourth edition, is Mr E. Downey, of the firm of Ward & Downey.
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Mr Justice Cunningham’s Anglo-Indian novel, “The Caeruleans,” is to be published by Macmillan and Co.
* * *
In the March number of the “ Atlantic Monthly,” the publishers hope to have an article by Dr Oliver Wendell Holmes on his recent visit to England.
* * *
Messrs Wyman & Sons will publish in a few days a small volume by Mr Walford D. Selby, entitled “ The Jubilee Date Book,” containing inter alia the regnal years of the kings and queens of England from William the Conqueror to Victoria.
* * *
The Graphic has conceived the happy idea of issuing a series of portraits of Shakespeare’s heroines by the best known artists of the day. The artists (who will make their own selection) who have promised to assist in carrying out the notion, include in their number Sir F. Leighton, Sir J. E. Millais, Mr Calderon, Mr Marcus Stone, Mr F. Dicksee, Mr P. R. Morris, Mr E. J. Poynter, Mr H. Herkomer, and Mr L. Alma Tadema.
* * *
Mr Charles Kent, the veteran poet and journalist has just had a pension conferred upon him by Her Majesty the Queen.
* * *
Mr G. A. Sala has again postponed the publication of his autobiography.
* * *
“Scribner’s New Monthly Magazine ” has had an extraordinary sale, the number sold of the January part reaching 140,000.
* * *
A cheap edition of Mr A. P. Allen’s “Ambassadors of Commerce” is about to be issued. This will make the seventh thousand. Mr T. Fisher Unwin is the publisher.
* * *
Already a fair account of the life of the lamented Lord Iddesleigh has appeared. It is printed and published by Mr A. S. Eland, and Messrs W. Pollard & Co. of Exeter. The writer is Mr Charles Worthy, author of “ Devonshire Parishes.” Messrs Hamilton, Adams, & Co. supply the pamphlet in London.—The Publishers’ Circular.
* * *
Mr Gladstone is not the only one who thinks himself capable of criticising our great laureate. “Walt Whitman” will contribute to the New York Critic a paper on Tennyson, having special reference to “Locksley Hall Revisited.”
* * *
Mr Andrew Elliot, Edinburgh, has done well with the late Dr John Ker’s book on the Psalms (price, 2s. 6d.). Published in November last, we believe it has already reached its seventh thousand.
* * *
It is well known, says the Athenaeum, that the two persons for whom Lord Byron had the greatest respect, and whose advice in literary and other matters he was willing to follow, were William Gifford and Walter Scott. In 1813 he wrote to Mr Murray that “ the kindest letter he had ever received in all his life ” was from Mr Gifford. That letter has recently been discovered among the papers of Lady Byron, and by permission of Lord Wentworth will be published in the second number of “ Murray’s Magazine,” along with one from Sir Walter Scott full of admirable advice; but the leading feature in “ Byroniana,” No. 2, is a copy of verses, the last Lord Byron ever wrote, found after his death among his papers at Missolonghi, which have never yet seen the light; indeed, none of these Byroniana fragments has ever been seen by any former editor.
* * *
The February number of “Scribner’s Magazine” will contain a most interesting article, by Mr John C. Ropes, upon the “Likenesses of Julius Caesar.” A new story is begun in the same number, by Mr F. J. Stimson (J. S. of Dale), entitled “ The Residuary Legatee.”—The Publishers’ Circular.
* * *
Mr William St Clair, son of the respected rector of the Ewart Institute, Newton Stewart, has been appointed editor of the Free Press, Singapore. —Galloway Gazette.
* * *
Three of the text-books belonging to the new California State Series, to be used in the public schools of the State, have been published, viz., the First and Third Readers and the Speller. Of these only a copy of the Third Reader has been received in this city. But this book, if it is a fair sample of the work done in preparing the other books of the series, cannot fail to satisfy everyone that the pupils of the public schools are at least to have excellent text-books at small cost. One hundred and two authors are represented, including Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Bret Harte [Shakespeare and Mark Twain, what a union!—Ed.], and a host of other famous writers. The book is printed on excellent paper, and is of superior typographical appearance.
— American Stationer.
OCR-Page 30
[Jan. 1887
CALENDARS for 1888
CHROMO SHEET CALENDARS, as used by Grocers, choice designs. Sample Set, 5s., allowed off account, if Orders amounting to £5 be given.
OFFICE CALENDARS, suitable for Stationers and other Fancy Trades, on Superfine Enamelled Cardboard, chaste and beautiful designs. Sample Set, 1/6, post free.
BORDERED BLANKS, in a number of pleasing designs and attractive colours, from Large Post 8vo to Double Demy Broadside. Samples on application.
CHROMO TEA PAPERS. (In preparation.)
Printers and Designers of Christmas Cards, Text Cards, Book Illustrations, Pictorial Supplements, Reproductions in Fac-Simile of Oil or Water Colour Paintings,
We offer the resources of our extensive Establishment to those who desire to take advantage of the facilities we possess for the prompt and economical production of every style of Ornamental and Commercial Lithography and Letterpress Printing.
We shall be happy to give Estimates or any information required, and invite Correspondence.
TAYLOR BROTHERS, Chromo-Lithographers
The Steam Colour Printing Works, LEEDS
These Cards are a perfectly new departure from anything hitherto produced, being the latest adaptation of our well-known and favourite Ivorine material.
The Trade is invited to write for Samples and Price List of all our Card Specialities.
OCR-Page 31
Jan. 1887]
WHITE WOOD GOODS, with reduced Photographs by G. W. Wilson & Co.
Do. with Transfer Views.
Do. Special large size, with Views or Motto.
MEDALLIONS, published by G. W. Wilson & Co., Aberdeen.
PLUSH FRAMES or RUNS for G. W. Wilson’s Medallions.
CHINA GOODS, with “A Present from” or Views.
BONE GOODS, with Microscopic Views.
LARGE VARIETY OF “MOTTO” FANCY ARTICLES, in Leather, Brass, Wood, &c., &c., such as Purses, Bags, Photo Frames, Folios, Albums, Note Books, Inkstands, Work Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Reticules, Envelope Stands, Toilets, Needle Books.
POCKET KNIVES, BUTTON HOOKS, &c.—“ A Present from.”
TOY TELESCOPES, with Photographic Views.
HORN DRINKING CUPS, with “A Present from.”
New stock of fire store ornaments will be ready shortly.
5 Vincent Place, Glasgow
Booksellers who do not sell Newspapers are recommended to use Marlborough’s List No. 1, which contains Magazines, Almanacks, and Year Books, without Newspapers, and is useful to distribute at this Season of the Year.
MARLBOROUGH’S LIST No. 1, Crown 8vo, 8 pages
Prices, with front page blank or printed to order, on application
From 1s. to 6s. Full Particulars on application
Publishers, Booksellers, Wholesale Newspaper Agents, & c.
HODGE’S Patent Self-Adjusting Automatic Soft Rubber Shell TRUSS
Is the most perfect we ever examined.”—Medical Press and Circular, Oct. 21, 1885.
RUPTURES.—“Hodge’s Patent Truss is the most comfortable and effective truss, it gives an elastic pressure, possessing a very great advantage. It adapts itself readily to the movements of the body, and is very effective.”—Lancet, Oct. 3, 1883.
RUPTURES.—“ Very ingenious and successful truss.”—British Medical Journal, May 23, 1883.
RUPTURES.—“Without enlarging the opening as conical pads are apt to do, while its resiliency ensures the pad keeping its place without exerting injurious pressure.”—Medical Times, Oct. 10, 1883.
RUPTURES.—“Possess decided advantage both in efficiency and comfort over all others with which we are acquainted. ”—Liverpool Medical Journal, January 7, 1886.
RUPTURES.—“A very ingenious truss.”—Edinburgh Medical Journal, February 1, 1886.
Send for Description, a Stamped Addressed Envelope
HODGE & CO., Surgical Instrument, Suspensory Bandage, and Army Truss Makers
OCR-Page 32
[Jan. 1887
New Show Case of I X L Pencil Cases
A very Handsome Addition to the Shop Window or Counter
No. 720. Trade 30/- contains 45/- worth of best selling Designs in best Aluminium Gold
Plush Mounted and Lined
Plush Mounted and Lined
No. 710. Trade 17/- contains 25/- worth
Glasgow Depot—73 Virginia Street
OCR-Page 33
Jan. 1887]
Aluminium gold pencil cases
Marvellous Value
No. 120 Charm Pencil, Black Enamelled Centre, 4s. per dozen 6d.
No. 121 Gent’s Single Spiral Pencil. 8s. per dozen 1s.
A Challenge to the World
No. 686
Nickel Plated
The New I X L Company Ink Pencil, and Box of Re-fills for 6d.
Must Command Success. Trade 4s. per dozen.
A.H. Woodward’s
Simple Action, Propelling and Repelling.
I X L Business Pencil
Beats the World!!
Can be used for all Commercial purposes
3 inches of Solid Lead in each Case.
Best Black Enamel Case
No. 660. 1/ each. Trade 8/ per doz.
With Nickelled Mounts
Fitted with Copying, Indelible Black, Blue, and Red Leads. Three of each Colour on each Card. The most substantial Pencil ever placed on the Market. Has only to be used once to be appreciated.
Re-fills 6d. per Box of 2. Trade 4s. per dozen Boxes.
London Depot—1 Foster Lane, Cheapside, E.C.
John S. Downing, Sole agent for Scotland.
OCR-Page 34
[Jan. 1887
Circulates throughout the Civilised World
The oldest established and recognised organ of the Stationery and Fancy Leather Goods Trades.
Information, including Scale of Charges and Quotations for Advertisements, will be forward on application to
160a Fleet Street, London
New York:—60 Duane Street
Paris:—29 Rue Des Petites Ecuries
Amsterdam:—60 Rokin
Brussels:-Office Belge; also at
Melbourne, Sydney, and Calcutta.
Quarter of a Century of Success
Best Medium for Advertisements
Terms of Subscription:
Home, 6s. 6d. Indo-Colonial (abroad generally), 7s. 6d. Post Free
OCR-Page 35
Jan. 1887]
Telegraphic Address-“STEWARTCO,” EDINBURGH. Telephone-NO. 213.
In consequence of complaints made by the Postmaster-General, as to the increasing number of large and bulky envelopes (many containing valuable enclosures), that are found burst or torn in the various Post Offices, or in Transit, we have adopted a New Material for making Envelopes, specimens of which can be had at any time.
We solicit the favour of a trial of these Envelopes.
It is extremely Strong, resisting Tear and Wear.
It resits Damp exceedingly well.
It is perfectly Opaque.
It is not heavy, and does not therefore add much to Postage.
It adheres well when Gummed.
It is very moderate in Price.
7-1/2……5-3/4 x 3-3/8 …… 9/
8 …… 6 x 3-5/8 …… 10/6
8-1/2 …… 5-5/8 x 3-3/4 …… 10/6
9 …… 6-1/2 x 3-7/8 …… 13/
17 …… 6-7/8 x 4-3/8 …… 13/6
18 …… 7-7/8 x 5 17/6
19 …… 8-7/8 x 5-1/2 …… 20/6
21 …… 8-3/4 x 4 13/6
22 …… 1O-3/4 x 4-1/2 …… 17/6
23 …… 11-1/2 x 5 ……. 20/6
Brief …… … 14 x5 …… 22/6
Specimens of these Envelopes have been distributed, and they are sure to be enquired for.
OCR-Page 36
[Jan. 1887
Lock and Safe Makers by Special Appointment to H.M. the Queen
New Patent Fire and Thief Resisting Safes and Strong Rooms. These celebrated Safes can now be had fitted with the Dalton Permutation Keyless Locks and Time Locks.
Patent Strong Rooms, Bullion Vaults, Steel Doors, and Treasure Safes are perfectly secure against Fire and Thieves.
Jewel and Boudoir Safes for Domestic use.
New Series of Cheap Safes, are Cheaper than many Second-hand Safes, and perfectly Fireproof.
Patent Detector Locks, with Six Tumblers (except in very small sizes) and Two Keys Each.
Deed, Security and Cash Boxes, with Patent Detector Locks.
Despatch Boxes, Key Boxes, Writing Desks, &c., with Detector Locks.
International Exhibition, Edinburgh, Highest Award—Gold Medal—for Safes and Locks Price Lists and Terms to the Trade on Application
For the Printing of Visiting Cards, Note Headings, Labels, &c.
Cheapest and Best of the Small Card Machines
May be seen at, and Prices, &c., obtained from
GEO. STEWART & CO., 92 George Street, Edinburgh
OCR-Page 37
Jan. 1887]
The Artistic Stationery Co., Limited
Memorial and Condolence Cards
Artistic Border Cards, Hand-Painted Greeting Cards for Easter, New Year, Birthdays, Weddings, &c.
Special Series of Masonic Cards
Stock Patterns and to Special Designs
The new “A. S. Co.” Board for Programmes, &c. Untearable, and superior to any hitherto produced. Send for samples
Plough Court, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.
OCR-Page 38
[Jan. 1887
WM. COLLINS, SONS, & CO, Limited,
Wholesale & Export Manufacturing Stationers.
THE special attention of the Trade is directed to the fact, that Herriot Hill Works, Glasgow, are now acknowledged to be the largest of the kind in the country, every branch of the Business being under the personal superintendence of the Directors, assisted by competent Managers in the various departments, thus enabling W.C.S.,& Co.,Ld., to ensure to their Customers at home and abroad the best Value, Quality, and Style of Workmanship in the market.
New Accounts will be opened on receiving satisfactory References as to position and commercial trading.
Export Orders delivered free at the Ports of London, Liverpool, and Glasgow.
Shipping Department.—Very special attention is given to the Colonial and Foreign Trade. From their long experience and extensive knowledge of the requirements of the various markets, W. C., S., & Co., Ld., can promise to Customers the execution of all orders in the most economical and satisfactory manner.
Wholesale Trade Lists may be had on application
Sample Orders invited, which will receive careful and prompt attention.
OCR-Page 39
Jan. 1887]
W. S. Hodgkinson & Co.
EXTRA SUPERFINE QUALITY, – Watermark, “Hodgkinson & Co.”
SUPERFINE QUALITY, – – – Watermark, “R. Barnard.”
FINE QUALITY, – – – – Watermark, “W. S. H. & Co.”
Mill Number, 366.
Wookey Hole Mills, Wells, Somersetshire,
Telegraphic Address for Mills—PAPER, WELLS, SOMERSET.
OCR-Page 40
[Jan. 1887
From 8/ gross to 96/ gross, in the most elegant style of our best selling Floral Cards, with our high quality gold and silver blocked Verses and Mottoes. The finest series of Birthday Cards we have yet published.
The greatest Novelty brought out in Valentines since their existence, a Novelty which we have now protected by a Patent. All Floral Designs. High Class—Elegant—and Ladylike. Prices, 24/, 32/, 48/ gross.
Immediate application should he made for Stock, as there will he no time to send out Samples. All Buyers of Valentines can order with the greatest confidence, as there is nothing like them in the market, and, however full, THESE Valentines are sure to sell.
Which proved so successful last Christmas, and which has brought us such grand praises from all parts of the country. There is no doubt that this style of Cards will command the market for the next Easter Season, and we therefore recommend them most warmly. Sold in Boxes of Six Cards and Six Envelopes, at 8/, 12/, 16/ dozen Boxes.
Sold in Boxes of Six Cards and Six Envelopes, 8/, 12/, 16/ dozen Boxes, in Monotints and Chromo Printing.
As these are extremely good value, we advise all buyers to place their orders without delay when the samples are ready, as our goods are usually sold out at a very early date each season.
8/ and 16/ dozen.
41 Jewin Crescent, London, E.C.
OCR-Inside Back Cover
BELIEVING that many Stationers experience a difficulty in keeping a well-assorted Stock of Birthday Cards in a tasteful and convenient form for display, we have recently given some consideration to a means of overcoming this difficulty. As a result, we have pleasure in introducing to your notice a Show Case for the counter which fully realises the conditions we regard as necessary and indispensable.
We append Illustrations of this Show Case. To those who require a small stock assorted in a large variety of good designs, it will be especially welcome.
It is covered with Imitation Morocco Leather, and is strong, well made, and handsome in appearance. The drawers (7 in number) and the small trays fitted in them are lined with fine delicately tinted paper, which shows the Cards to advantage.
The Cards are the best in our Collection, and are calculated at the lowest prices.
The net value of the Cards is £3, 6s. 10d.
Our net charge is £3, 3s. The Show Case is given free.
Those who favour us with orders for this Show Case will benefit by the ease and facility with which their customers can be supplied. There can be no loss by soiled or damaged Cards, and as the stock will always be ready in a neat, tasteful, and convenient form for inspection, larger and more frequent sales will result.
Applications should be made at once, and will be attended to in the order received. Orders can be sent through the Wholesale Houses as usual.
Birthday Cards………………£1 19 2 net.
Autograph Birthday Cards – – – 0 7 8 “
Easter Cards………………….1 0 0 “
Net Value……………..£3 6 10
Our Net Charge is 3 Guineas SHOW CASE GIVEN FREE
The Show Case can be supplied filled with Birthday Cards only if required. The net value of the Birthday Cards will be about £3, 6s. 10d., and the net charge (including Show Case) 3 Guineas.
Hildesheimer & Faulkner, Publishers, 41 Jewin Street, London, E.G.
OCR-Back Cover
International Exhibition, Edinburgh 1886
Extract from Official List of Jurors Awards
G.—Gold Medal Diploma.
S.—Silver Medal Diploma.
Catalogue Name. Address. Award.
1244 Stewart, George, & Co. Edinburgh G.
1244 Do. Do. G.
526 Do. Do. G.
1244 Do. Do. S.
1244 Do. Do. s.
Completeness of exhibit, showing envelope-making, lithographic printing, and general stationery in process of manufacture.
Mann’s “ Climax ” litho. machine.
“Leader” envelope machine.
Excellence of lithographic printing shown in plates of ancient Scottish flags.
The above is an Exact Copy of the Official List of our Awards issued by the authorities.
The Juries on our Exhibits were most painstaking, and acted with an evident desire to do their duty faithfully. .
This was specially the case with the Sealing Wax Exhibit. They informed the Exhibitors of this article, that it being a speciality, they intended to send it for independent tests to several large users of the article, and to an eminent Chemist for analysis.
For this purpose, they directed us to lodge at their Offices, bulk SAMPLES OF THE BEST QUALITY OF Wax, of OUR OWN Manufacture, and this was done; the result of this impartial and independent trial being, that Two Gold Medals were issued for this article, of which we obtained one.